Mysterious seal with an “alien trunk”: explanation found

MysteriousA photo from open sources

The presented photograph managed to fly around the other day foreign sites, surprising their users. Frame depicts a seal with a strange spotted “trunk” sticking out of it nose. Many regulars on the World Wide Web felt that before a mutant mimicking a monster under a seal or some alien organism. However, the answer was enough simple, though not quite ordinary. Shed light on the truth specialists.

American rare zoologists studying Hawaiian monk seals, for the first time in their 40-year practice pinniped … who got into his nose an eel! Of course, the situation is very unpleasant, however, scientists immediately came to the aid of the seal. The latter was reportedly not injured at all, but the eel Unfortunately, he did not survive the operations of separation from the animal. Seal after that he was released back into the wild, and he feels himself fine.

According to the simple theory of zoologists, an unsuccessful pinniped hunted under water and began to dig as usual the stigma of the bottom in search of prey. At some point, the animal stumbled upon an eel, dozing peacefully in silt. Frightened fish threw herself into the first available refuge, that is, into her nostril destroyer. Surprisingly, the seal apparently swam immediately ashore to people so that they help him in such a delicate position. By the way, the video below shows an even more original the moment when the smart seal is clearly flirting with a person, showing no only quick wits – even hooligan inclinations. And we we say that animals do not have intelligence. They possess, and what it is no accident that the ancient sages endowed them with a soul, however, as well as all life on earth …

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