Mysterious sky roar scared residents Chile

The mysterious sky roar scared the inhabitants of ChilePhoto from open sources

Ominous deafening sounds coming from somewhere from the sky heard a couple of days ago, residents of several cities in the southeast Republic of Chile. Inexplicably striking noise, similar at the same time to the growl of a monster and the work of some futuristic aircraft, woke up in the middle of the night not only people but also dogs, cats. The animals began barking furiously, rushing about anxiety, which has never been so massive with them before was happening.

Many devout Chileans began to be baptized and prayed, believing that the pipes of the Apocalypse roared in the dark skies. Finally, we live in such a turbulent time that the end of the world is unlikely will be for many earthlings a complete surprise. Also put forward theories about representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, tectonic friction slabs, opening a portal to another dimension, climate weapons and etc.

Note that trumpet sounds from the sky have recently been heard in different ends of the earth more and more – and the response from scientists that it such, no. But because people are seriously thinking about the beginning of some planetary collapse. And it doesn’t matter who will be the executor of the expected Apocalypse – aliens or Earth itself, negative attitude to humanity from whose side, according to magicians and shamans, is already going beyond all permissible limits, much more interesting is another – when this doomsday will come, and what will it represent for each of us. It is no accident that the mysterious heavenly roar frightens many and many, as if inviting to think and repent …

Time End of the World

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