Mysterious smoky figure walking at night in the parking lot

The mysterious smoky figure walked at night in the parking lotA photo from open sources

The entry below was recently posted on “YouTube” by researchers of supernatural phenomena. Astonishing the video, according to experts, demonstrates a young lady walking early in the morning between two rows of parked cars. Unexpectedly from one of the cars will separate a smoky humanoid silhouette and heading toward the woman. When the anomaly abruptly disappears right in the middle of the parking lot, our heroine as if senses this and stops. This ends the cryptic video. Of course, many World Wide Web users thought it was about the present ghost.

On the Internet you can find a great variety of materials, depicting alleged phantoms, however it’s hard to say how many of them are genuine. However, in this case the vast majority of commentators have come to believe that this is in in fact, something that goes beyond the ordinary.

Maybe not even a ghost, but a chronomrage, make assumptions video hosting users, unexplained energy essence or a native of a parallel world. In short, put forward various theories regarding the nature of this mysterious anomaly. Someone even says that before us is the guardian angel of a woman or her doppelganger, that is, an evil double.

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