Mystical knock from the crematorium furnace

Mystical knock from the crematorium furnacePhotos from open sources of

From the end of the 30s of the last century gloomy crawled across Moscow rumors about the Don crematorium, and more precisely – about the events taking place in the walls of this sinister institution. Many were burnt here disagreeable to the authorities of people.

Of course, besides these so-called special corpses in the first Soviet crematoria also burned ordinary deceased (at the request of their loved ones), and also the remains of unidentified people and tramps. As for special corpses, they were brought from Lubyanka, and, as a rule, at night.

… That night, when another batch was brought to the Don crematorium of such remains, at the head of the team of stokers was thirty years old Grigory Merkulov. At first everything was as always. Burned one corpse then ash was removed from the furnace, then coal was added and sent to burn the next one.

… It happened shortly after midnight. Standing by the stove, Merkulov heard something crunch in her. The sound was unusual and completely inexplicable, the dead man could not really come to life and start tossing and turning in the oven! ..

The frightened team leader called his subordinates. They also heard strange sounds and were surprised no less than Gregory. In this moment from inside, something loudly struck the metal stove damper. Not in agreement, the stokers rushed up the stairs in horror: there, in the service room, the tea enkvedeshniki drank, brought special corpses. Hearing of strange sounds coming from the stove, they went down down – and then there was another knock on the flap …

There was a small window in the oven; looking into it, it was possible see the burning process. Senior officer taking a gun, He went to the window and looked into the oven. Damper once again thundered – and the man flew off to the side, like some fluff! ..

The mystical knock from the stove scared everyone

This time they ran from the basement in which the furnace was located head not only crematorium workers, but also brave employees formidable department. They locked the door to the creepy cellar and called police outfit. Arriving police officers also received a rare the opportunity to hear someone breaking out of a blazing cremation room furnace out. At the same time, the blows intensified, then subsided …

People were scared to a state of serious panic. From Lubyanka even called reinforcements against an inexplicable nightmare – squad NKVD. However, when he arrived at the place, the knocking from the stove ceased. The mystical dead man, whoever he is, has finally turned to ashes.

However, later crematorium workers learned from the same enkavedeshnikov that they burned the corpse of a religious figure, who led the sect during his lifetime. Could this person have some special magical gift that allowed him to resurrect after death and fight so hard for life in a cremation flame ovens? ..

This story could seem like a trifle, explained as usual people’s fear of the dead, if not for one “but.” After that a thirty-year-old healthy man, Grigory Merkulov, soon left from work, refused a fairly monetary and prestigious position, not explaining to anyone the reason for his decision. He became extremely closed and frightened, ended up, in the end, in a psychiatric hospital about a month later he died …

A life

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