Mystical Skeleton Cave

MysticalPhotos from open sources

Despite the fact that there are many mysterious places on earth, not scientifically explainable anomalies, all kinds of artifacts, that flip established beliefs about our world, orthodox scholars continue to persevere in the pursuit of tailor all facts to existing schemes and standards. Such the approach is quite satisfactory for the powers that be, who benefit keep the bulk of people in a state of blind kittens.

Paranormal phenomena, of course, do not disappear from this. and continue to attract those who recklessly believe in miracles or with the tenacity of a true researcher seeks to wrest from the world all his secrets. One of these burning puzzles is the skeleton cave in Thailand.

Ritual cave of an ancient tribe

As far back as the sixteenth century it was described by an unnamed Dutch traveler. He talked about how he found in impassable the jungle of Thailand is a small and very cruel tribe that sacrificed to his gods all captive enemies, arranging at this is terrible rituals. For these purposes, the savages was chosen a huge cave that the Dutchman saw full of human skeletons and countless riches.

Thailand’s modern explorer David Waddle was so amazed by these descriptions that he decided to find the lost in the thick forests of the country tribe with its ritual cave. Scientist is reasonable believed that there you can spend the most interesting archaeological excavations, discover rare artifacts, not to mention treasures. Moreover, the Dutch researcher left the exact coordinates this mysterious place …

A photo from open sources

In 1992, Waddle finally receives a grant for his search engine. campaign and sent to the jungle of Thailand. Five people with him not counting the guide from the locals. The latter, however, brought group only to the foot of the mountain, on the top of which is supposedly and there was the desired cave. According to the conductor himself, there, on at the top, demons live, and therefore do not go to the enchanted cave follows in no case. The native even tried to dissuade researchers from such a crazy act, but of course no one listened. Waddle’s group continued on to the cave, and judging according to brief reports on the walkie-talkie, even reached it, however, in two days, the connection with the researchers suddenly broke …

Ominous sounds come from the cave

For a week the local Thai authorities did not action in the hope that David Waddle is about to make itself felt and broken connection is just an accident, some kind of technical malfunction or temporary failure. However, at last it became clear to everyone that with people who went in search of a cave, something happened. Was created emergency commission that sent rescue workers in the wake missing group. Among them were representatives of law enforcement agencies. countries and scientists.

The first thing the rescuers found was the person who accompanied the disappeared expedition, but he knew little and kept saying only one thing: he allegedly warned … The escort brought rescuers to the foot mountains and, as for the first time, flatly refused to move on. And again the group continued to climb independently …

A photo from open sources

Soon, the bodies of the missing researchers were discovered. From the first glance it became clear that all six were killed, and the most brutal way. Someone struck the heads of the unfortunate stupid unknown subject, chest ripped apart, tearing out all the insides, which I either ate or took with me. One got the impression that wild animals attacked Waddle’s group because of equipment and Valuable things are missing.

Soon, the rescuers found David’s diary from which it followed that his group found a ritual cave full of human remains, and carried out the necessary archaeological site studies in which discovered a unique artifact (in records did not specify which one). However, scientists were surprised and scared that already on the first night from the cave, near which they stopped, strange sounds began to be heard. They seemed to knock numerous mallets. At the same time, archaeologists were clearly monitored: several times they noticed obscure shadows, like someone silent and the invisible wandered around their camp. Therefore, scientists urgently turned excavations, took a valuable artifact and went back way…

The terrible, still unsolved mystery of the ritual caves

Rescuers had no choice but to deliver the bodies of those killed in city, then to transport them to their homeland. Therefore expedition divided: part of its members engaged in the transportation of bodies, and another went to the cave. During the first night near her people heard the strange sounds that he described in his diary David Waddle and who subsided only at dawn. When in the morning the researchers entered the cave, they were struck by a huge many human skeletons. All the skeletons were whole however, they were in different positions: some stood, others sat, still others were hanging from the ceiling …

Scientists spent the whole day in the cave, after which they decided to stay next to her for another night: the anthropologists in the group are very interested in these strange skeletons that seemed to freeze “on half a word. “The next day, their hunch was confirmed: all the skeletons changed their poses, as if at night they came to life and to the sound of knocking some sacraments performed hammers …

After that, anthropologists decided to spend the night in the cave, armed with pistols and powerful flashlights. No matter how the others tried to dissuade them, fearless scientists went to dungeon full of skeletons. That night left outside first heard a lot of shots that quickly subsided, and then the familiar eerie sounds of knocking hammers …

A photo from open sources

At dawn, the remaining members of the expedition entered the cave and found there the bodies of murdered anthropologists. Their heads, like at David Waddle’s companions, chests were broken torn, the insides were missing. Shells lying on the ground testified that scientists shot deep into the cave, which means the danger came precisely from there. However, neither the bodies of the attackers, nor even no trace of their blood was found.

Taking the dead, rescuers immediately left the terrible the cave, and the very diabolical peak on which it was located. What really happened on that fateful night and what happened to David Waddle’s expedition remained an unsolved mystery. IN the report also recorded that the researchers died from the attack angry monkeys …

And another mystery still haunts archaeologists: What artifact did David Waddle’s group discover? Apparently this was an object that could shed light on the mystery of a ritual cave Of Thailand. However, this turn of events did not seem to suit the devilish power that dwells in her, and she did away with scientists, taking back the artifact they found …

Ancient Cave Artifacts

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