With the development of medicine, the danger to human health significantly increasing! Medicine actually becomes a tool the massacre of millions of “extra” people on the planet! We are this well understand and protest with all our might … Photos from open sources Parasitic System, captured power on the planet, accustoms peoples to think fragmentarily, more and more and narrowing our thinking more. People are gradually turning into mindless creatures – sentient animals – that don’t care neither the history of their ancestors, nor the fate of their descendants, but only food cares, Housing and entertainment. This is because a herd of such creatures (society) is easy to manage: they can be easily made to do everything, what is needed; livestock can be easily adjusted, etc. For, to understand the essence of what is happening and to be able to somehow to defend ourselves, we need to change our ordinary, narrow, animal thinking on normal, human. Break out of that a small little world in which everyone locked himself, succumbing to “civilizational” bait. For this we need reliable information and the ability to independently analyze it. On the another protest picket to inform the public about the dangers of mass vaccination, Russian participants came out Public Movement “Revival. Golden Age” in the 25-degree frost. Why vaccination again? Yes, because the topic of vaccinations inexhaustible, and today it is one of the existing methods of genocide of our people. By the decision of the “world government, “due to the fact that the resources of the planet are depleted, to survive, you need to reduce the world’s population to 1 billion people. A where to put the rest, not included in this “golden billion?” All simple – destroy! And the Russians are the first in this list, by virtue of a number of reasons. They treat us like the worst enemies we need. expel from the territory you like. High on the agenda the next meeting of the Bilderberg Club, of which influential people from the fields of politics, business, banking affairs, there was a question about large-scale implantation of subcutaneous microchips to Americans. Bye to the Americans … In the government, for example, Henry Kissanger; Latsenberg and others voiced: “How are we we can control people if we don’t mark them all, that is, we don’t identify? “How to populate the population? The easiest way fabricate a large-scale flu epidemic and impose a massive “saving” vaccination. The introduction of nanomicrochips in vaccines – a question of the near future. All kinds of will be floated scenarios about the “healing” effect of these vaccines. Could you in the wildest fantasies imagine this? Don’t even doubt reality of what is happening – it has already been developed and tested on people. Let’s recall the recent swine epidemic scam flu “launched by world government through WHO (World Health Organization). All countries purchased a vaccine supposedly against swine flu. Vaccines then ordered about 6 billion (!!!) doses !!! Few people noticed that after the announcement ‘epidemics’ shares of Verichip company jumped sharply in the price! “What is the connection here?” – you ask. The fact is that Verichip company is associated with the development and implementation of microchips among the population. And the panic around the “swine” flu was needed for promotion of universal vaccination – chipization through vaccination medications containing nanochips, as well as implantation into the body person when vaccinating a microchip located on the tip of a needle. The swine flu has passed, but the vaccines are still there, as they are unchanged plans of the world government about us. Good, that the public became rampant collateral facts the action of these deadly vaccines, and a terrific message Canadian scientists: found in the swine flu vaccine nanochips! All such innovations usually start in USA and then accelerated spread around the world with an interval of a year or two. And what do we have now in Russia? As they wrote Vedomosti (10/06/2009): “One of the key areas of development nanotechnology in pharmacology and medicine – the creation of nanovaccines and targeted delivery of drugs. “The idea of targeted delivery is to create such a container of nanoscale, which allowed to pack the medicine and deliver it in a predictable way part of the body affected by the disease, and not just distributed over all tissues and organs. “That is, it says such the nanocontainer in which the medicine will be placed, and which will delivered in a “predictable” way – means in advance, programmed, controlled from the outside. There is another interesting technology – drug delivery through the use of aerosol with nanoparticles. Scientists have developed a generator for production nanoparticle medications and experiments with mice. how it turned out an anti-inflammatory drug in the form of an aerosol more effective than that introduced into the stomach. Petersburg representative office of “Rusnano” ITAR-TASS correspondent was informed production by the enterprise in Russia of nano-vaccines and therapeutic biological products in 2010 alone – 10 million packages. For introduction new vaccines do not need injections – they can be instilled into the nose. Notice nowhere in the publication does the word “chip” sound. Everywhere apply “nanocontainer”, “nanoparticle”, you can dissemble as much as you like, but as the chip does not name, the essence of its purpose does not change. Microchips Today they are being introduced in some countries, mainly so far voluntarily. They have been implanted for several years by volunteers and some rice grain-sized criminals. The first chips back in 1971 year were a quarter millimeter – 250 microns. Similar microchips implanted in American soldiers who fought in Iraq. One of microchip developers – Karl Sanders admitted that the Agency US National Security saw every soldier, heard and controlled him. Chip customers didn’t calm down at this, microchips with cyanide have recently been invented. If try to remove it from the body, then the chip explodes, and cyanide when this, getting into the blood, kills a person. Perhaps these tricks designed for dissenters “comrades” and, accordingly, objectionable to the “world government”. But even this is not enough a gang. Hitachi officially launched 5 micron RFID microchip – or 1/10 of the thickness of a human hair. And in Barcelona, chips were released as part of the IMB-CNM (CSIS) project 1.5-3 microns in length and 0.5 microns in diameter for implantation in a human cell! In some countries and in Russia already with the end of the 90s began to produce microchips, reducing their size to nanochips, and reached the milestone of 0.09 microns (1 micron – 0.001 millimeters!) Such microchips placed in a medicine, a vaccine, aerosol, water, food – can enter the body without the knowledge person. Academician of RAMS Sergey Kolesnikov believes that with ingress of nanoparticles into the cell nucleus will be observed toxicity, DNA damage and abnormality in sets of chromosomes. it already concerns the gene pool and is a gene weapon. Behavior Nanochips can become unpredictable and get out of hand. They are They have great destructive power and are not yet fully understood. It is known that in 1971 in the USA during the tests of microchips, when failure in the tracking system, tissue rejection occurred, the inflammatory process began, and the person rotted alive … Today, these microchips are used to control behavior and human mood. The management of such a chip is complicated a program consisting of tens of thousands of behaviors, harvested for many occasions. Do I need to say that this full control over the chipped zombie man! Suggest anything is possible: inner voice, intuition, thoughts, actions. It all seems to be happening in faraway America, but this one the fact is the place to be … And this infection can penetrate anywhere, where greed and a desire for power prevail over reason and decency. How many various mucks have already been imported to us under kind of healing drugs? And how much more are the indefatigable “directors” of the end of the world? Fabricated large-scale epidemic flu is an excellent occasion for global vaccination nano-vaccines. D. Dorst, a microbiologist from South Wales, writes: “The fear that propaganda creates is relatively deadly diseases and how vaccines can prevent them is another lie to convince the masses that vaccines are effective. ” Dorst expresses serious concern that: “one day the vaccines will begin to do what they are intended to do – to control population on a global scale … “It all makes think about the feasibility and usefulness of mass vaccination for us with you, dear compatriots. Can you trust the most? expensive – your health and the health of your children – Parasitic System? In no case! You can maintain your health only with their own brains and hands, in no case hoping on the honesty and decency of Uncle Sam and Aunt Sarah! Hundred times all check and think before doing irreparable – take away your child in a vaccination room. After all, you can’t vaccinate later discard, and vaccine poisons do not pump back into the syringe. FROM you and your children will have to live the consequences of vaccinations. Appreciate the health that you are thoughtlessly jeopardizing with the vaccine! Losing it is easy, but returning it is very difficult, and most often – impossible! Irina Kuznetsova
DNA Life Health Russia USA Epidemics