NASA has developed an engine that can accelerate to the speed of light

NASA has developed an engine that can accelerate to the speed of light.A photo from open sources

NASA inventor David Burns designed the engine capable of accelerating to 99% of the speed of light.

According to the scientist, he used a loophole in theory relativity, however, it is worth recognizing that on the way to creating incredible engine got up a series of obstacles.

First, you need to create a two-hundred-meter design with connecting to it a powerful source of energy. Secondly to to reach a speed close to the speed of light, it is necessary to place moving object in an environment with almost zero friction.

Scientists have long struggled to develop a fuel-free engine. Back in the 1970s, inventor Robert Cook patented a device that converts centrifugal force to linear cravings. And in the 2000s, Roger Scheuer created the “EmDrive” project, which turned microwaves into a source that creates a driving force. However before so far no concept has been implemented.

Most scientists are sure that these devices are simply impossible. create for one reason only – they are contrary to the law of conservation momentum.

Andrey Vetrov


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