NASA, Worldwide Telescope and Google Sky Map hide the approach of the Great Red Dragon

NASA, the Worldwide Telescope and Google Sky Map obscure the approach of the Great Red Dragon.A photo from open sources

December 30, 1983 on the pages of the newspaper Washington Post there was a note about a mysterious celestial body that moves in side of our solar system. The article said that his discovered a telescope in the infrared spectrum (a very dark object) IRAS satellite and so far this body is 50 billion miles from Of the sun.

A photo from open sources

The next mention of this mysterious object slipped into 1992 in a NASA press release stating that body 7 billion miles from the Sun, about 4-8 times a larger mass than the Earth affects the deviation of the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. The most interesting thing is that today this information is not available on U.S. Space Agency website – removed. At NASA officials explain this fact by IT failures when accessing site archives that experienced agency staff cannot solve (is it a joke!) for a quarter of a century.

It would be more logical to assume that NASA is simply hiding this information as an object approaching the solar system poses a serious threat to the Earth. This is confirmed by the application. Google Sky Map and Worldwide Telescope, which hide on their infrared maps of the same area in the constellation Virgo. And such coincidence is simply impossible, you understand.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Moreover, researchers with access to equipment capable of viewing space in the infrared, right there shared with Internet users what kind of object they are hiding Worldwide Telescope and Google Sky Map from Earthlings. There he is:

A photo from open sources

What kind of mystery is this, so carefully hidden from the wide to the public? It turns out the mysterious space approach bodies to our solar system are described in the ancient Book, according to which the Great Red Dragon flies to the Sun (more You can learn more about this topic on the page – In September of this year, according to this prophecy, Red The dragon will collide with Jupiter, after which an event will occur, which will radically change our world.

The most amazing thing in this whole story is that NASA, Worldwide Telescope and Google Sky Map in vain try to hide all this. Firstly, it only fuels the curiosity of independent researchers. Secondly, earthlings have already been so scared by all kinds of Apocalypses that they do not believe in their reality. And finally, if our souls are immortal, as believers in God and reincarnation reason (atheists are even easier in this regard), why be afraid? Death which and so inevitable? Mass death? So for the company to die like even easier, and no difference from the mysterious planet Nibiru or the more mysterious Great Red Dragon …

Dragons NASA Sun Solar System

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