A photo from open sources
At the New Delhi Annual Environmental Summit Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation S. Donskoy said that in Russia for twenty years after the collapse of the USSR, the number of various natural disasters quadrupled, and this figure is increasing.
In 2012, natural hazards were fixed at thousand pieces, in 2013 this figure, however, fell slightly, and last year’s statistics are not quite “mature” yet. However, in general, according to Sergei Donskoy, disaster, and above all floods and forest fires, Russia is just beginning to prevail.
According to the head of the Ministry of Nature of Russia, international intergovernmental group of experts is silent about the scale of the danger that mankind is waiting for approaching global warming on the planet. Environmental questions, says Don, should be put at the forefront today angle of any business and any scale.
Note that many scientists in the world consider the problem with global by warming far-fetched and specially inflated by Western countries in some selfish purposes. However, you can’t argue with statistics. Here just what is she talking about? About the approaching world catastrophe or these are the usual fluctuations of natural “disturbances” that have been observed from ancient times and will be, according to climate researchers changes on Earth always occur?
Global warming Russia