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This, of course, is not an analgesic such as analgin or, there, pentalgin, when a tooth or a head is ill – be sure to accept. It’s about a tool that helps get rid of intolerable pain in the neck, legs, back, and so on, that is, caused malfunctioning joints.
Generally, diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and hedgehog with they do not arise from scratch, most often they already suffer aged people. However, these diseases are rapidly becoming younger as modern people do not like exercise, a lot of time spend near the computer, move a little and also completely eat wrong.
All this leads to a shortage in the body. collagen, cartilage, tendons, bones begin to work incorrectly, causing first discomfort, and then natural pain. Not worth it discard the fact that the proposed folk remedy necessary for all those who are injured, breaks bones, such unhappy – millions.
But most importantly, it’s better not to wait until trouble knocks on the gates, when correcting something will be much harder and longer, not in vain do the wise say that any disease is easier to prevent than then treat. And this means that for prevention it’s folk the remedy, conditionally called by us a natural painkiller, costs at least occasionally drink to everyone who is already over thirty and who is far from a healthy lifestyle.
A photo from open sources
Moreover, the remedy is ridiculously simple. We buy gelatin, in the evening five grams of this yellow powder pour a glass cold boiled water, stir well and leave until morning in a warm room (do not put in the refrigerator). In the morning on an empty stomach we drink the resulting mixture (stirring it, you can add honey) – and so thirty days in a row. If you have problems with joints and ligaments – You will feel positive results in a week.
For prevention, such a monthly course can be carried out once a year. If you’re already being treated for something, say, for back pain, then repeat it after six months, then after another six months, and there already – once a year.
By the way, this tool not only restores normal the performance of the entire musculoskeletal system, but also strengthens human immunity. And this is important in our century, when doctors are already they are sounding the alarm because they are fighting microbes and bacteria antibiotics suffered a crushing defeat.
A photo from open sources
According to, for example, the head of the European Commission on health of Vytenis Andryukaitis, for this reason modern antibiotics are becoming increasingly useless as microorganisms produce invulnerability to new drug drugs faster and faster. And only a healthy human the body easily copes with this problem.
And finally, remember that any, even the most beautiful folk the remedy is not a panacea for diseases caused by laziness and gluttony. For prevention, you need to at least do exercises in the morning (better articular according to Norbekov) and refuse refined food, more eating greens, vegetables, and fruits.
A photo from open sources