New anti-aging drug based on removal from the body of “zombie cells”

The new anti-aging drug is based on removal from the bodyA photo from open sources

What funds have not been invented recently for in order to rejuvenate the human body, thereby eliminating serious age-related diseases, and on the basis of this extend life. It even comes to transfusion of blood plasma of young donors: this is the method used, for example, by an Australian startup “Ambrosia Medical”.

Scientists at the American Mayo Clinic of Minnesota (author research by James Kirkland) took a slightly different path. They are created the drug dasatnib, which is designed to remove from the body aging cells, which is also called “zombie”. The thing is that these “zombie cells” are not excreted by the body on their own, because they “position” themselves alive, although already unable to recover and cleanse themselves of waste life activity. And this ultimately leads to return diseases, deterioration of the body and its premature aging.

By the way, we say that raw foodists, people who practice starvation, and so on. further, they improve their health and retain youth in many respects by the reason that living food, like a natural lifestyle, allows you to get rid of aging body cells.

Dr. Kirkland’s dasatinib drug practically does the same function, only more quickly and efficiently. For instance, volunteer pensioners (average age 70 years old, all sick leukemia), on which a new method of treatment of DQ was tested, demonstrated amazing results: defective cells in them began to be eliminated from the body within half an hour after administration drugs, and after a day all the “zombie cells” disappeared.

A photo from open sources

As a result, older people felt significantly better, and their performance in motor activity increased fabulous way. This is what Dr. James himself says about this. Kirkland:

First, we created a drug against cancer, not in to rejuvenate the body. Secondly, have tested it so far only on degree of harmlessness to the human body. But … the results this experiment already speaks for itself today: a treatment method DQ is not only capable of fighting cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and so on, he and generally renew the human body, prolonging his life.

According to The Lancet EBioMedicine magazine, optimistic scientists research led by Dr. Kirkland still require careful verification and, most importantly, the recognition of WHO, otherwise all this can sink into oblivion, as many “great discoveries” in medicine, which no one even remembers today.

A photo from open sources

Many independent researchers believe that the method DQ treatment, like all other similar artificial interventions in the human body will certainly give a negative side effect. Today, the most advanced scientists are increasingly concluding that the root cause of all diseases, including old age (this is also its kind of disease) you need to look not in the body, but in the soul of a person. IN otherwise, modern doctors simply distill one disease in another, and therefore, having learned to deal with an epidemic, say, with the plague, they immediately receive another – such as AIDS (the same tracking with flu modifications, bacteria adaptability to antibiotics and so on). And so it can go on infinity until society changes spiritually …

And if so, then all attempts by modern scientists to find a panacea for old age, push the end of life or even avoid it with using miraculous drugs, at least look naive, and therefore unpromising. How many are similar medication was invented, and where is the result? ..

A life

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