Photo from open sources
As shown by a survey made by researchers at the Medical Center Columbia University, more than 50 percent of people do not know of this, although intuitively some still wash new clothes before you dress her. However, nearly 30 percent respondents do not do this. And in vain …
Here’s what the dermatologist of this medical says about this Donald Belsito Center:
New clothes may contain lice as well as germs. various infectious diseases, for example, so easily transmitted scabies. Therefore, even trying on new clothes in a store is dangerous – there is a certain risk, despite the fact that solid trading enterprises are watching this.
And since they’re being watched, it means that new clothes undergo chemical processing, and therefore wear it without prewash too not allowed. Otherwise, such clothing may cause irritation. skin, allergic rashes and other unpleasant consequences.
A photo from open sources