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A newly discovered new particle has received DS3 name *. This particle is a meson (a type of unstable particle, consisting of one quark and one antiquark). Quarks – subatomic particles that are the most basic building blocks of any matter. Subatomic particles consist of protons and neutrons. These particles are held together due to the strong interactions without which in the universe would not exist one stable form of matter. To find a new particle, Tim Gershon, a professor of physics, and his colleagues used technology, which allows not only to track the decay of particles into quarks, but and watch their movement inside the world’s largest nuclear Collider (LHC). Gershon believes that although physicists are fine understand the very principle of strong particle interaction, unfortunately they still cannot solve the equation that describes it essence. Strong interaction is such a powerful force that its share accounts for more mass from atoms than from quarks. therefore the solution of this equation is beyond the power of not only physicists and mathematicians, but also the most complex computer programs. Not less, Gershon is sure that studying a new particle can help Scientists get closer to solving the equation. Since based on her characteristics, unlike other particles in the collider, it will be behave unpredictably – its movement can be easily traced. By quark qualifications are divided into six different “flavors” (charm, charm, strangeness, etc.) that have their own antimatter. DS3 * particle consists of one antiquark (charm) and one quark (strangeness). Quarks also have certain degrees of spin describing how fast they are moving. The properties of the spin and mass of quarks are determined by particles, which, merging together, create DS3 *. The first particle contains quark (charm) with a spin of three, which, according to scientists, makes it An ideal candidate for exploring strong interactions. Scientists sure that according to the results of measuring a new particle, they can not only solve the equation, but also find out more information about the difference between the amount of matter and antimatter in the universe. It is assumed that immediately after the Big Bang, the substance and antimatter in equal amounts filled the Universe. However today in space matter antimatter is quite common seldom. Some experts tend to think that the answer to this the question can be obtained by studying the behavior of a new particle. Moreover, scientists assume that the very existence of this particle is capable of break the standard model of physics.
Hadron Collider Universe