Nibiru in August will cause unprecedented cataclysms

Nibiru in August will cause unprecedented disastersPhoto from open sources

Alternate space explorer David Meads claims that legendary Nibiru is rapidly approaching the Earth, also known as Planet X. According to expert estimates, already at the beginning August, that is, after only 2.5 months, the attraction of this heavenly bodies will cause on our “blue ball” natural disasters of unprecedented scale, due to which, most likely, half will die of humanity.

The disappointing forecast Meads recently announced to the famous British edition of the Daily Star. Theorist is convinced that Nibiru and the planetary cluster accompanying it will lead to the devastation of the Earth and practically the death of mankind. In particular, as you approach X-planets to the solar system on Earth will be provoked colossal tsunamis that instantly destroy coastal regions. Nibiru’s gravitational pull will be so powerful leading to earthquakes with a power of 9.0 points on the Richter scale (specify that the most powerful local earthquake is recorded at Earth with magnitude 8.5) and tsunamis with speed wave propagation over 1000 kilometers per hour. Researcher believes that after this, at best, only 50 percent will survive earthlings.

Meads says: “Humanity is facing global catastrophe, distant waves of which we already feel. Now weather changes due to electromagnetic plasma coupling between Nibiru and the Earth. This summer we will face a seismic activity, volcanism and storms of incredible strength. Super-volcanoes that can instantly wipe entire faces off the face of the earth peoples will begin an intense eruption. Towards Japan and the eastern the coasts of the Americas will be devastated by the tsunami which will not leave stone unturned in coastal areas. When Nibiru enters the solar system, we should expect an ejection coronal mass in the sun. Electromagnetic grid of our planet will be changed, the poles will move 30 degrees and this will cause exit of water from the oceans. ”

A photo from open sources

The specialist also claims that the American government well aware of the impending threat, while the strengths of the world this will certainly somehow secure themselves, for example, hiding in high-tech silos deep underwater or underground. To all the rest can only be trusted in God …

However, we were scared before by the end of the world and global cataclysms, including the approach of the planet Nibiru. For instance, the last of the unfulfilled was to begin on May 15 of this year, however, this time we somehow slipped by. We hope that David Meads, along with other doomsday predictors, is mistaken in their calculations and scary forecasts. As he once said Russian parapsychologist, psychic and seer Sergey Lazarev, the most thankless task for any predictor is to call date of the Apocalypse. Only the Almighty can know her …

Water Stones End of the World Nibiru Solar System

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