Nibiru Ninth Planet – Protection for the Earth

Ninth planet Nibiru - protection for the EarthPhotos from open sources of

And although academic science denies the existence of a mysterious Planet X, conspiracy theorists already seem tired of intimidating earthlings her approaching our “blue ball”, which supposedly entails an unprecedented disaster for all life on Earth. However there is and another look at this problem: the ninth planet of the Solar system Nibiru is not a threat, but, on the contrary, a protection for the Earth.

This is exactly the idea expressed by Juliet Becker of Michigan University:

Why do we think that Nibiru is certainly a destroyer. If such a planet exists, it can protect our Earth from all kinds of space disasters.

For Pluto, as some astronomers believe, among which can be called Konstantin Batygin, Mike Brown and some others prominent space explorers really traced massive planet, which can conditionally be called Nibiru. She approximately 20 distances from our Sun to Neptune, but because the year (full revolution) lasts at least twenty thousand years old. That’s why telescopes can’t catch her and therefore scientists know about this mysterious cosmic body only from calculations.

However, calculations are an unreliable thing, so other astronomers sure that there is no ninth planet in the SS, and the gravitational supposedly Nibiru exposure, which is recorded by sensitive modern appliances, this is the effect of smaller belt objects Kuiper.

A photo from open sources

Is there Nibiru or not, the question, of course, is the main one, if consider it in terms of today’s escalation of tension, that Planet X is about to fly in and make us a global catastrophe. Nevertheless, Juliet Becker’s theory allowed for the first time to see on this problem from a completely different point of view. Indeed, as why not believe that the ninth planet exists, but she, like all other objects of the solar system, obeys certain laws of stability, not destruction?

Moreover, if we rely nevertheless on the theory that in this The universe exclusively EVERYTHING has intelligence, including planets and our Sun, then you can destroy us without Nibiru, enough The luminary just release a certain force towards the Earth sunstroke. So be afraid of the mysterious Planet X, I think, not worth it, since there is a much more dangerous opponent of ours civilization – the unreasonableness of the earthlings themselves, ready to destroy themselves in any moment only out of the ambitions of some senior leaders in principle – the same earthlings …

Nibiru sun

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