Octopuses – future lords of the Earth?

Octopuses - future lords of the Earth?Photos from open sources of

Octopuses have always been human beings mystical and mysterious. The most terrible legends were composed of them, narrating most often about tragedies when these monsters of the oceans drowned ships and dragged many people into the deep sea.

A photo from open sources

Scientists have long proved that octopuses are very smart sea animals possessing not only sophisticated cunning, but even amazing intuition, which is not in humans. Enough remember the world famous octopus nicknamed Paul, which with with amazing accuracy predicted the outcome of famous football matches.

A photo from open sources

Researchers at the University of Chicago recently proved unearthly origin of octopuses. This conclusion was received by scientists on based on a study of the DNA of these cephalopods.

The octopus genome turned out to be so complex that even DNA man is inferior to him. For example, it is 2.7 billion pairs bases, which is commensurate with the length of the human genome (3 billion pairs bases), and also include 33 thousand protein-coding genes, which several times more than in human DNA. And if you compare everything it is with similar indicators of other invertebrates, then there is a difference generally colossal. Even the octopus has much more chromosomes, than other marine animals.

A photo from open sources

Based on this, scientists concluded that unearthly octopuses origin, they could well get to us from space, other planets. How? We do not know this yet and may never know. However, cunning, cunning and well-developed intuition, not to mention already about excellent adaptability to life in the deep sea, give reason to assume that these mollusks are abandoned on our planet, and in the prospect that they will become overlords in the future this water planet.

The assumption, although fantastic, is not without some scientific validity. Moreover, on Earth there are several species of animals, quite reasonable, which can to claim the role of rulers of our planet in the future. And all they, unlike humans, are much better adapted not only to life on Earth, but also to any planetary cataclysms. Among terrestrial animals, these are, of course, smart rats, but in the depths of the sea octopuses …

DNA Life

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