Octopuses have two brain centers and more like aliens than terrestrial animals

Octopuses have two brain centers and are more like aliens than terrestrial animals.A photo from open sources

This is the conclusion the other day American researchers cephalopods Octopus rubesce and Enteroctopus dofleini (University of Washington). According to Science Alert, scientists believe that such brain properties may possess aliens as two brain cents make a living creature more adapted to the environment, and therefore it is possible regarded as a higher level of biological development.

Scientists have long been watching octopuses, attributing them fantastic abilities, such as sophisticated intuition, a gift foresight and much more, which even led to the theory that these non-terrestrial marine animals.

A photo from open sources

For a long time, however, researchers could not understand why the two third of the neurons in octopuses are not in the brain, but in tentacles (in the form of ganglia), and how it all functions. And so now American scientists have concluded that tentacles cephalopods are closed in one ring, thus creating as if the second brain of this animal. The octopus’s central brain it’s not even necessary to know how his limbs work, what they make in space.

Despite today’s discovery by Washington researchers University, octopuses with their three hearts, amazing eyes, with a 360-degree view, unique ability to disguise and even use weapons (toxic substances of others the marine inhabitants that they feed on) remain great a mystery of nature. Observations of scientists can have only one the undeniable conclusion that they made: in the Universe there must be unlimited variety of life forms, and therefore aliens can surpass us in many ways in hundreds and even hundreds of thousands time…

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