In Romania, an interesting monograph “Age biology “- the result of many years of research of the famous Romanian scientist Konstantin Parkhon. The specialist claims that old age should not be considered a normal state of the body, but a pathology. The main role in this process, in his opinion, is played by the glands internal secretion. Photos from open sources
A little more, and the patients of Dr. Aslan (see sidebar) will turn … (Photo by Owen Franken / Corbis.) Thanks rigorous clinical research and experimentation academician Parhon revealed the role of each endocrine gland in aging and I came to the conclusion that old age can and should be treated. For treatment old age Konstantin Parkhon uses goiter, thyroid extracts glands, as well as the pineal gland, adrenal glands and a number of other means, including including vitamins E, B and novocaine, which he calls vitamin H3. IN In recent years, these studies have become widespread. So, Professor Ana Aslan from the Institute for Combating Old Age (Romania) experimenting with 110 old people who live in the local in a hospital. They all go through different hormone treatments, vitamins, extracts from gland tissues, baths with bicarbonate soda and novocaine. Here are some results of this unique work. Professor Aslan almost recalls with horror which a painful impression on her was visiting a nursing home: “We observed helplessness and deep gloom; in the long corridors there was the sound of crutches and sticks. “Now the old people from this shelter are under the care of her institute. And a miracle happened: in the corridors it became quiet – patients who would walk on crutches or with a stick, simply no more! People who once almost lost human appearance, actively get rid of the phenomena accompanying old age. A if the old person has a good memory, normal hearing and vision, smooth, wrinkle-free skin, strong muscles, can you call it old age? Research at this institute aims to prevent and treatment of old age. Scientists have over a hundred elderly patients. First of all, their physical condition was examined. in terms of clinical, physiological, biochemical and hematological indicators. After this, the patients were prescribed treatment with hormones, vitamins, extracts from various tissues, and also carbon dioxide baths. The best – unique! – Results were achieved by administering novocaine. The startling results of Novocain, recall, was discovered in 1905 Until about the early 1950s, it was used only for pain relief during surgery and as a medicine in various diseases, for example, in the treatment of rheumatism and circulatory disorders (introduced by intra-arterial, and sometimes intravenous infusions). So, the use of commonplace novocaine in treating old people from a nursing home, according to doctors, significantly improved their general condition: pathological phenomena characteristic of Parkinson’s disease (trembling hands and feet), insufficient body flexibility decreased. Also improved attention and memory. Experiments on mice only confirmed the effect of this means: the skin of experimental animals has regained its former shine, body weight increased … In the end, Romanian experts ventured into prolonged continuous treatment with twenty novocaine five old men. Within two years, no one died, although among them there were people aged 60 to 92 years who suffered serious diseases of the heart, nervous system, atherosclerosis and parkinsonism; some of them were completely disabled. “We we defeat old age “But all these are beautiful words, without examples the reader will never believe in the miracles of the newly invented therapy. And they are like that. When Patient B. entered the Institute struggle with old age, she was already the 92nd year. She had hunched off disease and age body, wrinkled face, tarnished eyes, trembling hands, thickened and curved arteries, completely gray hair, poor eyesight and hearing; pale skin on the face and hands was covered with numerous spots appearing in old age; memory weakened – she did not even remember the names of her children. Blood pressure – 220 to 115 mmHg. Art. She absolutely could not bend … Passed six years old, and V. is no less flexible than in his youth, again good hears and can sew without glasses. Her eyes strike unusual for her age liveliness. Among the patients observed at the institute, she stands out for its cheerfulness, cheerfulness and cheerfulness. Signs of old age disappeared from her face, her eyebrows darkened, her skin became smooth, elastic muscles. She commits her own toilet, cleans the room and walks alone for a walk around the city. Hair scalp restored by 90%, gray strands partially acquired old color. “Perhaps someday only from books will to find out that people used to turn gray to old age, “the professor notes Aslan. Despite the fact that V. is now 97 years old, she feels quite healthy. Her body is younger. After treatment she recovered by 4.5 kg, blood pressure dropped to 190 per 100 mm RT. Art. Another case. Patient H., a single woman, was 64 years old, when she ended up at the institute. She had glaucoma in both eyes which depressing effect on her mood. She suffered insomnia and slept at night no more than 2-3 hours. Paralysis chained her to the bed. Blood pressure was very high, memory was useless … To cure paralysis, it was enough to conduct a course of injections novocaine. Muscle strength is gradually increasing, memory is improving. She sleeps again at night for 7-8 hours. Hair stopped fall out. X is younger. She wanted to work, and now she working as a paramedic. Photos from open sources
… In these young spa girls (photo Corbis). Now A few words about the oldest patient of Professor Ana Aslan. it M., he is 109 years old. He was once a port worker; to his institute delivered from a nursing home in a deep depression. “Enough there was a cursory glance, Ms. Aslan recalls, to guess him age: completely gray hair, trembling hands, darkened skin, lack of body flexibility … Thinking was slow. He almost did not remember anything. Could not leave the room without an outsider help … “And what happened to him now, after a three-year stay in Institute? X. at any time walks around the yard or the nearest the streets, and you will never believe that he is 109 years old! Lively and cheerful, he likes to talk about his youth. His memory recovered. The skin is lightened and the hair is almost the same color as in youth. Vitamin H3 Today, out of 180 old people, located at the Institute for the fight against old age, about 125 pass course of treatment with novocaine. Outpatient or at home under supervision doctors preventively treat 1,017 people aged 45 to 50 years. The treatment technique is as follows: three times a week the patient is injected with five cubic centimeters of two percent novocaine solution. The course lasts four weeks. After ten days interruption treatment resumes. Novocain has beneficial effects also in the treatment of stomach ulcers, a violation of pigmentation of the skin and hair loss. During therapy, patients are observed to strengthen central nervous system, which is expressed in increasing interest in life, work, environment. In addition, novocaine affects endocrine glands, balancing their activity. Finally, novocaine has a special property: it turns into two chemicals, one of which is an amino acid, otherwise called vitamin H1 (or H2). Vitaminizing effect Novocaine, scientists explain, affects intestinal excitation bacterial flora, which contributes to the creation of the body vital substances. The effects of novocaine should be attributed restoration of mental abilities, increase in muscle and physical strength, increased resistance to aging. To especially emphasize the vitaminizing effect of novocaine, researchers suggested calling it “vitamin H3.” Prepared by materials of the journal “Knowledge is Power”.