Ominous Bennington Triangle

ThePhotos from open sources of

This mysterious triangle in which people disappeared without a trace in the last century, was named for the city of Bennington (USA, state Vermont), which is one of its peaks. Second peak the triangle served as a crossroads on country roads located in 20 kilometers from the city. And the third is Glastenbury Hill.

It was in this damned place in the years 1920-50 that almost forty people under the most mysterious circumstances. People instantly disappeared, for example, from their cars, after which they crashed into any obstacles, as in the case when the driver throws the steering wheel. The townspeople also disappeared from their homes, courtyards, sometimes almost on eyes of witnesses.

Documented disappearances in Bennington the triangle

In 1940, eighteen-year-old girl Paola Velden walked along footpath to Glastenbury Hill. Behind her two dozen meters the Joyce spouses moved, who perfectly saw how a young lady wrapped around the ledge and disappeared from their eyes. But after a couple of minutes the couple also appeared behind the ledge, but on a huge the wasteland, where there was nowhere to hide, the girl was not. More No one has ever seen Paola, although she was intensely sought after in the local newspaper (photo below) even published an announcement about her wanted.

A photo from open sources

Two weeks earlier than Paola Welden, in this abnormal area disappeared five-year-old Paul Jepson. He played in the yard under supervision mothers. The latter was absent in the pigsty for just a few minutes, and when she returned to the yard, the child was no longer there, although the yard was fenced by a high fence with a locked gate – Paul just could not get out of here on the street. But he was not in the house either. The intensive search for the baby for many days did not give any results.

Another disappearance was recorded in November 1945. IN that day, four hunters descended from the mountains, and on the Long Trail Road (see the first photo) one of them – Middy Rivers, the most experienced hunters who knew these places like the back of his hand, suddenly disappears, and not even leaving anywhere. Men suddenly notice that he is not among them, they begin to call a comrade, then look for him, but they don’t find anything.

Skepticism does not save

In December 1947, Bennington resident James Thetford, returning from guests, he rode in a bus with other townspeople. is he sat in the back seat, so no one saw him disappear. However, when the bus arrived in the city, an elderly James in the cabin was not there, although the car did not stop anywhere on the road. Things the old man remained in the luggage net, and the schedule was lying on the seat bus, which he asked to see the driver. Since No one has seen Thetford. By the way, his relatives said that the old man always believed that people in the city disappear the most Naturally – bandits steal them. When someone started talking about something supernatural, thatford just laughed at by this.

Last victim

The last disappeared was Frida Langer. October 1950 years she walked into the wasteland near Glastenbury with her cousin Oliver. At some point, the young woman decided to relax and I sat on a fallen tree that lay next to the path. Oliver while he moved only a few meters from his sister, but when he turned around – the woman was no longer on the log. She just evaporated, because she wouldn’t have time to either run away or even fly away, not being seen by a brother. Moreover, soon the wasteland was combed meter by meter residents of the city, which organized local authorities after Oliver’s statement. However, Langer never found.

It is noteworthy that Frida was not only the last to disappear a person in the anomalous zone, but also the first who was this zone returned back. Her corpse was found by her father, who went to the daughter’s disappearance site, found seven months later in the same place near the log. Frida was in the same clothes, and only her body was already badly decomposed. An autopsy yielded nothing, pathologists did not were able to determine the cause of death of a woman.

Is the last point set?

The sinister Bennington Triangle is like this return put an end to the mysterious disappearances of people. Since then more no one was lost here. But what’s interesting, according to the legends, Indians who lived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in these places always avoided Glastenbury wasteland, believing that evil spirits live on the hill. The wasteland was used only by the natives as a cemetery: they gave their dead to spirits as a tribute so that they would not inflict no ills alive.

Why in the last century “spirits were angry” at the locals and began to abduct people for thirty years, is not it clear? Maybe for the fact that they stopped burying their loved ones in the wasteland? It has allready passed almost seven decades, and the sinister triangle no longer requires victims. But there is no certainty that the “evil spirits” have calmed down forever and never will return to the old. After all, the townspeople are so and do not use the wasteland as a cemetery …

A photo from open sources

In the picture, dots indicate the places where officially recorded missing people in the Bennington Triangle.


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