Omsk covered with black snow

Rainfall of strange colors fell in some areas of the city. Black snow fell on Saturday in Omsk. Now its composition is figuring out Rosprirodnadzor, and environmentalists blame the local CHP for emissions. A photo from open sources PHOTO: youtube / 111222sanya Precipitation strange colors appeared in the area of ​​the village of Pushkino, on the street. Osoviahimovskaya and at the railway station. “Work is ongoing. By preliminary data, this CHPP-5 threw ash. On Monday the analysis of samples will be ready “, – quotes RIA” Novosti “representative Rosprirodnadzor management. The fact that in the fall of black snow CHPP-5 is to blame, because of which similar phenomena have already occurred, confident and environmentalists. “Most likely, this is again from CHPP-5. Yesterday, when I walked along the October bridge, I noticed how it rises into the air carbon black, “said environmentalist Sergei Kostarev. However, he noted that such snow is dangerous for the health of city residents, since it contains soot with a high ash content. Black snow already twice dropped out in Omsk in 2012. Then Rosprirodnadzor found out that this was due to the fault of CHPP-5, which during the cold season worked with maximum load. After that, the company operating the CHP TGK-11 promised to replace an industrial filter on one of the pipes worth 150 million rubles. In addition, in August 2012, the industrial zone Omsk was covered with white powder. Specialists then established that the substance is a fine crystalline aluminosilicate which absolutely safe for health. The culprit of the pollution was Omsk oil refinery Gazpromneft recognized. The enterprise was fined 20 thousand rubles. In October of that year, Omsk again covered with similar rainfall. The plant was again fined.

Nikolay FADEEV

Health Snow

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