On the American beach found half-eaten shark

A half-eaten shark found on an American beachPhoto from New Smyrna Beach Open Source in American Florida is one of the most dangerous beaches on the planet. In coastal waters there are several species of aggressive sharks that are not averse feast on humanity. Every summer here dies from sharp teeth fierce predators at least a dozen vacationers from among those who do not lucky. However, this time the shark itself got large it is possible to determine who attacked her, who avenged the victims.

On Saturday, February 18, a part of the shark was handed out on New Smyrna Beach the corpse. Beach security staff determined that speech talking about black feather shark. According to local worker Tammy Morris, the fish was at least two meters long – that’s pretty large predator. However, some monster easily bit him the tail is almost up to half the body, and this fact is in earnest alerted security professionals. How close to shore was the attack? Who is this sea monster, light whose prey was a formidable shark? Where did he come from here? AND Is he even known to official science?

A photo from open sources

Rescuers put some photos of the dead shark in social network “Facebook”, inquiring from regulars resource, which, in their opinion, happened to the inhabitant of the deep sea. Maybe someone somewhere encountered a similar anomaly? Alone commentators wrote in response that a huge fish had attacked a four-meter white shark named Katherine, which is repeatedly noticed off the coast of Florida. Other users have stated that the animal was chopped by a propeller. Still others suggested that on a black-feathered shark was just attacked by cryptids like the Loch Ness monsters or a huge snake that is found in the Black Sea near Karadag.

Since the technogenic version does not stand up to criticism, then U.S. scientists prefer white shark speculation Catherine. Moreover, fantastic cryptids are not even mentioned in their investigation, as if this could not be, because it cannot be never. The layman, in contrast to Orthodox scholars, just on the contrary, more afraid of unknown sea monsters than sharks.

The funniest thing, someone writes on the social network, Bill, when the “right” scientist finds himself in a similar situation as a vacationer the layman, then he also rounds his eyes and, like a sponge, absorbs any rumors of sea monsters. However, he must be eaten by this monster to recognize him officially …

Sharks Cryptids Fish

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