On the way of hurricane IRMA – two American nuclear power plants: Florida faces second Fukushima

Two American Nuclear Power Plants on the Way of IRMA Hurricane: Second Fukushima Threatens FloridaA photo from open sources

Scientists closely monitoring IRMA hurricane progress are almost no longer doubt that next weekend he will reach the coast America and fall on the state of Florida. But the most scary thing about it the case is this – two nuclear power plants are on its way: Turkey Point and St. Lucie and Florida Power Light.

True, the management of Turkey Point NPP assures that nothing scary things should not happen, because the station survived in 1992 Hurricane Andrew, even though the infrastructure around it was then totally destroyed. Yes, “Irma” and “Endoy” – both are rated by the highest fifth category of hurricane forces, however, as noted observers of today’s tragedies in the Caribbean basin, IRMA is much stronger in wind speed and some inexorability in his “fantastic madness.” And the power of this natural monster is only increasing.

The management of Florida Power & Light NPPs is also optimistic. for example, his spokesman Peter Robbins even assured the press that in the event of a threat at the station, the power units will simply be stopped – and no problems. However, not everything is as rosy as it wants imagine Robbins, apparently, in order to reassure the audience. The thing is, that in Japan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011, too, they prepared in advance for earthquake by disconnecting power units and emergency generators the reactor. Moreover, the Japanese, unlike the Americans, are much more technically prepared and meticulous in implementation necessary measures. However, ultimately, the country of the ascendant the sun and the whole world, in addition, witnessed a great tragedy – nuclear fuel in Fukushima melted, an atomic explosion occurred, emitted a huge amount of radioactive dust into the atmosphere, not to mention the other consequences of this disaster.

We recall that the government of the United States and to him controlled media specifically downplay the radioactive pollution from the explosion of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Today the radioactive plume is already crossed the Pacific Ocean and almost on the way to California. But it is only a train if hurricane Irma destroys at least one nuclear power plant in Florida, a session of “American Fukushima.”

The Russian-speaking population also suffered a terrible blow at one time from the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, from the consequences of which are still for example, Ukraine cannot be free. And although hurricanes like IRMA, while in the USSR was not observed, but, as proponents of world conspiracy, disaster in Chernobyl claim arranged the American intelligence services in order to destroy the Soviet Union. Well, perhaps in this world nothing goes unpunished, and many troubles looming in recently in the United States literally from all sides …

Time USSR Power Station Japan

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