Once again about miraculous baking soda

Once again about miraculous baking sodaA photo from open sources

We have repeatedly written that the most common baking soda, despite at its low cost and availability, it has such unique properties that many are not even aware of.

Suffice it to say that this is the best preventive measure against cancer, which many do not even realize. Sorry, who knows about they don’t use soda anyway: those who don’t have cancer, sure that this cup is past them, and those who are already sick, to how they say it’s too late to drink Borjomi if the kidneys have fallen off.

However, baking soda can serve in many other areas. our life and health. It’s enough to remember that it’s great baking powder But this is only a small part of its advantages.

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Soda freshens the air

Baking soda perfectly fights with all sorts of foul odors. Open a pack of powder, put it in the door of your refrigerator, and freshness will settle in it. Smells bad shoes, especially sports? No problem. Sprinkle a little soda in your sneakers and she’s absorbs all these “troubles”. Do not forget only shake out the soda before putting on the freshened shoe.

A photo from open sources

Soda instead of tooth powder

An excellent healing mixture for our teeth and gums that you can (and even necessary) to use instead of modern, very harmful to of our body toothpastes (do not succumb to advertising), you can cook based on baking soda. Pour three tea into a jar tablespoons of soda, drip a few drops of lemon juice and add hydrogen peroxide to a pasty consistency. Everything is magical the pasta is ready.

A photo from open sources

By the way, with the help of soda, you can simply refresh your mouth. To do this, just mix soda with water and brush your teeth – easy and just. And very helpful!

Soda is a great cleaner

Let’s mix baking soda in equal proportions, peroxide hydrogen and dishwashing detergent. As a result, we get a unique stain remover that copes with any dirt and stained. By the way, if you use dishwashing detergents means, know that they are all based on soda and flavors, only soda is not food, and therefore harmful to our organism. So replace them with baking soda – and that’s it! Cleaning effect the same, but no harm already, and the cost of soda every ten times less than any cleaning powder.

A photo from open sources

But that is not all. Using baking soda is easy to clean carpets. Sprinkle the powder on it and let it absorb any muck – just about fifteen to twenty minutes. Now clean the carpet a vacuum cleaner. From this, the coating will become not only cleaner, but also fresh.

It is almost also easy to clean and refresh with a soda mattress. Open a pack of soda, drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil and shaking. Then sprinkle the entire pack on the mattress and we remember it a little, massage it. Leave it all for an hour, and then also vacuum cleaned.

A photo from open sources

Soda is the best skin scrub

Did not try? But deep skin cleansing (peeling) is possible spend without any expensive creams. We breed soda in warm water in proportions three to one, and with this paste gently massage the face, neck, legs, arms. More gentle and effective skin scrub just hard to come up with. Moreover, it is again very easy it is prepared and very cheap, like everything related to food soda.

A photo from open sources


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