Paper may be the most durable material in the world

Paper could be the most durable material in the world.Photo from open sources

Mankind uses paper or regular pulp a lot. centuries, and its application is the most diverse, from the storage of information on it to packaging, jewelry and etc. However, scientists from Sweden (Royal Technological Institute), according to the publication EurekAlert !, decided several convert cellulose paper, resulting in material much stronger than the most resistant in this regard metal alloys.

Using adhesion (inkjet technology in the organization macroscale fibers when particles’ slightly increase in sizes “), Swedish scientists together with their fellow chemists from the United States received the so-called “increased nanofiber”, which has demonstrated such strength that has surpassed many organic polymers and some metal alloys.

The new “paper” turned out, for example, eight times harder than spider silk, which is considered the most durable biomaterial. how scientists said even light adhesion can make paper a lot stronger than today, at the same time, based on their invention, it is possible create new materials – lightweight and fantastically durable.

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