Paradise and hell do not exist?

Paradise and hell do not exist?A photo from open sources

A group of scientists at Griffiths universities in Australia, Carolina and California Research Institute in the USA the other day made a statement that no hell and heaven exist. A person after the death of his physical membrane falls into one of parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lanz, who leads the research team, emphasized that we are only temporary guests in this world, and we There is an endless cycle of rebirth. After our death the energy foundation, which is most often called the spirit or soul, transferred to another dimension. From there she again “reborn” in other worlds, and not necessarily again in our earthly, although through a series of rebirths, the soul can return again to the ground. That’s why some people remembering their past lives they talk about other planets, about life on Mars, and so on.

Researchers also noted that parallel worlds are not only yes, they constantly interact with each other. From here and ghosts that people see quite often, and breaking into our world of yeti, chupacabra, giant snakes, lizards and other monsters, to catch which we never succeed. Obviously for this reason so there are many in the world and completely disappeared people – they “fall through” into parallel worlds, from where rarely anyone comes back.

A photo from open sources

Scientists also stated that parallel worlds cannot exist without each other, interacting according to the principle pushing and pulling at the same time as almost everything in of this universe.

Paradise on Earth or endless life in the universe?

The scientific theory of the existence of parallel worlds and of the rebirth of human souls calls into question not only many religious dogmas, but also some scientific hypotheses, for example, about human ability to live forever. The question is – why? If the universe is dominated by the principle of rebirth of souls and traveling them across many worlds in order to gain experience and cultivation, then what is the point of lingering in one of these worlds. It’s all one that staying away for too long time or resist your development. Obviously, both punishable by higher laws.

Probably for this reason not a single saint, spiritual leader, let’s say an avatar, a shaman and so on, that is, one who knew about our the world is much more than a simple layman, never sought to eternal youth and endless life. Although I had for this where more opportunities than other people.

Note that orthodox scholars have recently begun explain our world from positions that were unacceptable yesterday science and seemed science fiction and mysticism. For example, a little earlier Researchers have scientifically proven that there is no death. AND here is a new high-profile statement …

Time Universe Life Parallel Worlds

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