Parents “sent to the future” their two-year daughter

ParentsA photo from open sources In Bangkok, parents froze “for the future” his two-year-old daughter, so Mother Noavarathong today considered the youngest patient of the Arizona company Alcor Life Extension, which provides services of this kind, that is, by cryogenic freezing.

Unhappy parents made this decision after realized that their daughter had almost died and just “lives” for artificial machine score. Yes, and doctors have confirmed that no there’s no chance to save the child.

True, such an opportunity may appear in the future, perhaps even very near, after which the girl was exposed cryogenic freezing – just counting on this “happy future”.

Mother Noawaratpong suffered from a brain tumor, which she was discovered last year. Operations (surgical removal neoplasms), chemotherapy did not give any positive results, so in January of this year, the girl practically had eighty percent affected brain, after which some kept under the apparatus of life support in the hope of something the best.

Alcor Life Extension turned out to be this best. which today is considered the most respectable cryogenic company freezing people.

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