“Particle of God” will destroy the universe

A photo from open sources

Discovered recently by the Hadron Collider elementary particle “Higgs boson” can shed light on device of the universe. The study of the behavior of this particle promises Apparently, many discoveries in the field of cosmology and physics elementary particles. However, the famous cosmologist and physicist Stephen Hawking believes that conducting experiments with the Higgs boson when discovered called the “particle of God” may end the destruction of the known universe. In his book “Starmus,” he describes the picture of the end of the world as follows. Higgs boson at energies over 100 billion GeV (gigaelectronvolt) becomes unstable. The energy potential of the boson is 126 billion EVV, which is about 126 times the mass of the proton. In such state, it can cause the formation of a vacuum zone, like bubble expanding at the speed of light – this can destroy how the space around us, and time. Within the bubble field Higgs will be stronger, but with a lower energy level. Similar field characteristics will lead to the decay of all substances around us to simpler substances, and the only element in the universe hydrogen will remain. Theoretically, this can happen at any time. Making calculations according to the methods of classical traditional physics, however, it turns out that the existence of our universe can last indefinitely, but in the end it will end in destruction. However, there is another view of this problem. It is possible there other factors that may affect the future of the universe – for example, dark matter, the amount of which can reach one third the entire volume of space. Study of the interaction of dark matter with the surrounding space will reveal new, unknown to present tense laws. Be that as it may, the death of humanity from the “particle of God” is not so terrible, because life on Earth the earliest will disappear – in 150-200 million years, and we simply don’t live to the end of the world from the Higgs boson.

Time Universe End of the World Stephen Hawking

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