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Physicists have discovered that particles of light (photons) can live about 1 trillion years, and after the decay, they are allocated in turn very light particles that can move faster than light! FROM over time, many particles are subject to natural decay. For example, unstable radioactive atoms at some point break up into small particles and release a burst of energy. Just recently, scientists were convinced that photons do not decay, since it was believed that they did not have mass. However, in Currently, scientists suggest that photons have mass, it’s just so small that it cannot be measured with modern appliances. The current upper mass limit of the photon so small that it’s less than one billionth, billionths of the mass of the proton. Based on this indicator scientists have calculated that a photon in the visible spectrum can live about 1 trillion years. However this extremely long lifespan not all photons are distributed, it is calculated on average. Exist the probability that some photons live very little. Our The universe that emerged from the big bang is now time is about 13.7 billion years. And ongoing scientific projects are not just for measuring afterglow Big Bang, but also for the possible detection of signs of early decay of photons. If the photon is broken, the decay should even lighter particles stand out, those that are capable of travel in our universe faster than the speed of light. These ghost particles (neutrinos) very rarely interact with ordinary matter. Countless neutrino streams rush every split second not only through cosmic open spaces, stars and bodies, but also through every person living on Earth, while not affecting our matter. During decay, each photon emits two light neutrinos, which, being lighter than light, move faster than photons. The discovery of neutrinos would seem to violate the law of theory Einstein’s relativity that nothing can move faster than light, but this is not so, since the theory is based on that the photon has no body weight. But the theory says that no a particle cannot move faster than a massless particle. Besides Moreover, Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that particles move extremely fast, being in a distorted time space. That is, if they had consciousness, they would have it seems that everything happening around them is in very “slow motion” mode. This means that in our time space photons should live about 1 trillion years, and in their temporary flow – only about three years.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Time Universe Einstein