Passages to the underworld through menhirs

Passages into the underworld through menhirsPhotos from open sources of

During the study of the Bashkir mounds and bottomless lakes Russian scientists led by famous traveler Ernst Muldashev discovered passages leading to the dungeon world.

According to the expedition members themselves, guides to this world are, in particular, deer stones, or menhirs. That’s what about everything This was said by Professor E.R. Muldashev.

That’s how the underworld is watching us

Menhirs can be found in various parts of the planet, and before all in Tibet, in England, in Malta, Easter Island, and of course same, in Bashkiria. Among them there are very high: for example, Radston Monolith and Devil’s Arrows in England reach eight meters. However, in general, the height of menhirs does not exceed two meters.

A photo from open sources

To find out how deep menhirs go underground, many of Researchers tried to reach their bottom. So, Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl delved into the land on Easter Island already five meters, but the giant menhir, as it turned out, was leaving down to where.

In the Bashkir village of Akhunovo, scientists also tried to do this – alas, to no avail. A similar situation was in Altai and in Mongolia. In 1999, during the Tibetan expedition, continued Muldashev, in some inaccessible places of the legendary City of the Gods we also saw menhirs, which at times resembled periscopes. By According to Tibetan lamas, menhirs are antennas of Shambhala, through which the inhabitants of the underworld are watching us. These long pillars of stone reach the very underworld and carry in information that allows you to read thoughts and skips special energy, the value of which is very great.

Menhirs and other mysterious stone structures

All menhirs on the planet are located on the bisector. triangle, the vertices of which are Mount Kailash, a pyramid Cheops and the North Pole. Menhirs are mostly vertical position, but there are those who go obliquely underground. It is not surprising that menhirs are highly revered by the local population.

A photo from open sources

In northern Bashkiria there are several dozen menhirs. TO In short, during the construction of the road, one of the menhirs was destroyed, after which accidents constantly occur in this place, as well as since people disappear.

The largest group of these megaliths is located in the village Akhunovo: there are 12. There are seids, that is, multi-ton stones, mounted on three small pebbles, and dolmens are gigantic stones in which round or square bowls are carved. Can to meet and the pyramids erected from stones.

In addition, says Muldashev, in Bashkiria, we found several graves where giants are supposedly buried. In one of them, by claims of local residents, the Ural Batyr is resting. In a word, we can talk about a “complete set” of mysterious monuments in this edge.

Akhunovsky anomalies

At night, near the Akhunovo menhirs, people often see glowing spots, and in the afternoon – some transparent balls. The main thing is consist in the fact that UFOs are regularly observed in this place, often having the appearance of flying shiny saucers. Flying up to menhirs, UFOs immediately disappear, as if leaving through these stones under the ground.

A photo from open sources

The impression is that unidentified flying objects dematerialize, after which they migrate in a state of energy underground through menhirs. Tibetan lamas not in vain say that this megaliths have a special energy. It is possible that UFOs that flew in the vents of volcanoes, for example, in the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico, also dematerialize, otherwise it’s hard to explain all this …

In 2006, during the Mongol expedition, he tells further Muldashev, we were told that menhirs themselves grow from the ground and, reaching a certain height, they stop in growth. How not here believe in materialization-dematerialization, that is, the transition of the living creatures in an incorporeal state and vice versa?

A photo from open sources

As a doctor, says Ernst Rifgatovich, I can argue that, not Recognizing this phenomenon, many cannot be explained. medical aspects. If we talk about ancient scriptures and legends, in particular the epic “Ural-hero”, then perhaps once the transition from bodily substance to disembodied was a phenomenon ordinary. In my opinion, the picture changed 13 thousand years ago, when a completely material world arose in which we all and we live.

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