Passenger car breaks off a cliff – and more no one saw him

The car fell off a cliff - and no one else saw itA photo from open sources

California State Police still can’t find traces missing SUV, which, judging by the record of the DVR, fell off a cliff in the morning on December 30 last year on the Coastal Highway SR-1 near gray whale bay.

Driver of a car driving towards a green SUV Lexus RX accidentally recorded a mysterious accident on the video and immediately reported it to the police, providing law enforcement and rescue services video recording.

The policeman immediately considered this accident mysterious California, who noted that the car is somehow strange breaks into a cliff, as if completely losing control or the driver it purposefully goes to suicide.

A photo from open sources

But this traffic accident turned even more fantastic when during an immediately organized search and rescue operation in for many days now only traces have been discovered SUV leading to the cliff – and that’s it.

That is, the evidence of the truth of the video is confirmed – the machine reality fell off a cliff. But … then it’s like dissolved in air since from a large SUV and its no passengers left (or at least one driver) traces.

San Mateo County police are still hoping that other drivers who might record the moment of the accident using the DVR. No one yet did not respond. But even if there is such a person and unique record from the place of the mysterious car accident that it will give state law enforcement, no one knows.

While on the Internet, where a video about this miracle, already in full swing there is a discussion at the level of the most fantastic assumptions (from a ghost car to a mole hole “connecting our world with other similar worlds), an explanation so fantastic at first glance, the disappearance of the Lexus RX can to be the most prosaic. And this is what management is confident California police will certainly confirm in the coming days.

Well, we will wait, but, you see, believe in a miracle much more nice, even from the point of view that in this case, passengers the SUV remained alive, they may just have left completely another road that in a different reality does not end in terrible a cliff into the bay …

Drivers Time

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