Passion for milk

Passion for MilkPhoto from open sources

Despite the fact that milk is considered the most life-giving moisture for all viviparous, but in nature its use is significant different from what man has created for himself. So the question is drink or not drink milk – far from idle in terms of health person.

There is a definite answer about breast milk – you need to drink it baby, and the longer he does it, the better for his health and even intelligence, spiritual development, and so on. With it today no one even argues, this does not contradict the natural milk consumption in nature.

But what about the consumption of the cow (like other animals) milk? Here the opinions of scientists were divided. For example, the famous healer and doctor, author of a dozen books on healing and purification organism Nadezhda Semenova strongly opposed milk consumption. Whatever you do in terms of recovery or treatment, she says, the first step should be to abandon dairy products that only bring harm – clog our bodies and also create favorable conditions for the development of parasites in it of all stripes (milk is the best food for parasites).

Photo from open sources

This opinion is shared by many other researchers, which, for example, even debunk the known until recently statement that dairy products are the main suppliers to our the body of vitamins and calcium (building material for our bones and, in particular, teeth). As it turned out, the same cottage cheese, on the contrary, it washes calcium out of the body.

Moreover, we not only use harmful in all respects cow’s milk and dairy products made from it, but also created for this purpose a huge industry – livestock. Exactly it, as scientists have now proven, plays a major role in creating the greenhouse effect on earth, because it releases everything into the atmosphere more greenhouse gases (much more than all cars and thermal power plants).

What turns out? Man creating wrong in due time an idea of ​​the benefits of milk, almost for the past many centuries kills him and his planet?

Like it or not – watch the new documentary, “Drink or do not drink milk “from the series” Undisclosed Secrets “.


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