Passionate kisses leave genetic traces

Целуясь, люди обмениваются участками ДНК Passionate kisses leave genetic tracesPhotos from open sources

It’s easy to guess that a passionate kiss, as they say, sucking, does not go in vain for its participants. And it’s not about pleasure. Kissing, involving in contact saliva, mucous membranes shells and tongues reward each other with a variety of bacteria, including pathogens present in the oral cavities.

But it turns out that the process is even more intimate. Man kissing a woman injects sections of her DNA into her. And vice versa. Other in words, genetic material is exchanged. What in something akin to sexual intercourse – in a kind of mild form. May be, therefore, in the past – more chaste – times with whom it was not kissed. And if a woman surrendered to the power of a kiss, then considered herself seduced. The man who performed the kiss is essentially offered a hand and a heart. How honest the man was obliged marry.

It turns out that previous traditions contributed to the preservation of genetic purity.

Kissed on the lips? Marry!A photo from open sources

Kissed on the lips? Get married! Photo:

Now, even a kiss does not oblige to anything. Both women and men kiss often and with different partners. Around – genetic dirt. How long does it last? Answer to this the question was received by female scientists (Kamodyova N, Durdiakova J, Celec P, Sedlackova T, Repiska G, Sviezena B, Minarik G) from the Institute molecular biomedicine (Institute of Molecular Biomedicine) and Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia).

As the head of research Natalya Kamodyeva, in The experiments involved 12 pairs. They kissed, kissing each other friend about 2 minutes. Then – after 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes – at women took tests from the mouth. So what? Male DNA – Genetic kiss partner material – easy to identify even an hour after the kiss. Perhaps he is material – lasts longer.

It turns out that in love, nothing passes without a trace. Even kisses. Moreover, they can face unforeseen complications. Traces of foreign DNA found in the mouth can serve as evidence adultery. Or, God forbid, sexual harassment. Forensic scientists are already interested in research results.


The most pleasant vaccination

An interesting assumption was made by British scientists in attempts to understand why people kiss kissing and why did this funny ritual. According to Colin Hendrie Leader of the Leeds University Researcher Team (University of Leeds), kissing a woman, a man holds her vaccination. And saves from cytomegalovirus.

The cytomegalovirus found in saliva can be very dangerous for women – especially for pregnant women. Able to inflict serious harm to the fetus – up to cerebral palsy and of death.

– The constant kisses that a man gives to the same to a woman is an effective vaccine against cytomegalovirus through an exchange saliva, says Hendry.

According to the scientist, during the first – most likely short and moderately chaste – kiss a woman receives a small amount of viruses from a man. Further, as deepening of passion, kisses become more open, and vaccination – more intense. And by the time the relationship becomes completely intimate, immunity strengthens so much that cytomegalovirus You can no longer be afraid. And the chances of getting complications during pregnancy will decrease dramatically.

After each meeting, Erich Honecker took with him a piece of Leonid Ilyich. And a little bit of cytomegaloviruses.Фотоиз открытых источников

After each meeting, Erich Honecker took with him a piece of Leonid Ilyich. And a little cytomegaloviruses Photo: KP archive

What are the specific benefits of kissing men – in terms of vaccinations? – not yet known. But there’s probably some, because kissed the ritual has been preserved for millennia with virtually no change.

Who knows, maybe with the aim of increasing immunity it’s useful kissing not only on the lips? As a sign of special trust in each other? No wonder the girls from the group “Via Gra” sang: “The higher the love, the below kisses. ”

Hendry and colleagues talked about their research in a journal Medical Hypotheses.

By the way, at one time, scientists believed that the kiss ritual it is a kind of evolutionary “quality control”. Like, kissing friend friend, men and women through saliva transmit “information” about heredity, health and genes. Then the hypothesis of kisses, how about vaccinations. Like, you need to choose a partner information can be obtained differently – by external signs and through sense of smell.

Now, after research in Slovakia, scientists are likely to back to the genetic roots of the kiss.

DNA time

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