Pentagon: Russia and China should not be the first create artificial intelligence

Pentagon: Russia and China should not be the first to create artificial intelligenceA photo from open sources

Pentagon CEO Mark Esper says the United States doesn’t should allow other countries to be the first to create artificial intelligence. It is reported by the publication RIA “News”.

Esper is confident that the state that will create and apply first artificial intelligence will get a huge advantage on the field battle for many years.

In this case, the head of the Pentagon cites as an example the situation when in In 1957, the USSR was the first to launch a satellite into space, but the United States was able to mobilize your forces and “win” in the space race by landing astronauts to the moon.

According to Esper, all US attention in the first place should be to China, and then to Russia, as it follows the development of AI By China. In addition, the Celestial Empire plans to become a world leader in using AI by 2030, and now the Chinese started creating autonomous shock systems, as well as systems 21st century surveillance. Too much danger, according to the chapter Pentagon, for the allies of the United States is the Chinese 5G system.

There is no doubt about Russia’s potential, Esper says, as in the future, it will use increasingly complex AI systems in current and future hostilities.

The United States to create artificial intelligence must provide harmonious public-private cooperation, not contrary to democratic processes. Esper criticized companies that refuse to cooperate with the military The United States, while emphasizing that American corporations always have a choice unlike those who are in another part of the world.

Esper is confident in the inevitability of the use of artificial intelligence military around the world, so you can’t be allowed to dominate in this area to “authoritarian governments.”

Previously, scientists issued a warning about the dangers of implementation artificial intelligence.

Andrey Vetrov

Artificial Intelligence China Russia USA

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