A photo from open sources
Surrey University students conducted another experiment with smartphones, which showed once again how harmful to health human modern mobile devices. If earlier more talked about their adverse effects on the work of the head the brain of users, it now turned out that smartphones are also excellent seedlings of bacteria.
So, everyone we love gadget provides shelter for a huge number of pathogens – they are here in twenty times more than the toilet handle. Most of of these bacteria can cause various intestinal diseases, and in the first place in terms of quantity and activity was Staphylococcus aureus.
But is it worth being scared of these findings? For example, American scientists have analyzed many other subjects that we use daily, and found that in the first place on the number of bacteria is the handle of baskets and carts in supermarkets. On the second – our favorite computer mice (though only in Internet cafe), on the third – all kinds of holders and pens in public transport, and so on.
And although in their study there was no place for smartphones, I think, and this is enough to make a simple conclusion: but it costs Is it afraid of all this? Well, if you are afraid, then it’s better from home don’t go out. By the way, isn’t it more productive to think about why with such an abundance of microbes surrounding us, some people constantly become their victims, and to others – well, at least that …