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Yes, yes, you read the headline correctly: cockroach milk. World scientists are convinced that in the near future humanity will begin to eat the secret produced by all known (and all unloved) cockroaches. Experts report that this highly nutritious liquid will become a real superfood, able to provide people with huge volumes of valuable substances, thereby preventing hunger in many parts of the earth.
A few months ago, a research team consisting of Canadian, French, English and Japanese scholars, interested in the mucus secreted by the females of the cockroach and serving to feeding the young. Moreover, for such a “milking”, as it turned out, only large tropical cockroaches beetles Diploptera punctata from the family Blaberidae, living in Asia and some Pacific islands. This type of cockroach is unique in that females carry their offspring in their stomachs, and young growth is rapidly developing it is thanks to the absorption of protein-rich nutritious secretion, produced by mothers.
A photo from open sources
A study of scientists showed that the described substance contained in the body of cockroach beetles in the form of crystals, and stands out outward in the form of a thick white liquid – milk. Unique secret contains many proteins, amino acids and healthy fats, which necessary not only for cockroaches, but also for people. Human the body is not known to be able to synthesize natural amino acids, and therefore we are forced to get them ready-made from food. Experts believe that the constant use of cockroach milk can fully supply a person with these valuable substances without the need to obtain them from other products.
Cockroach meat and milk – the food of the future
Of course, many years will pass before cockroach milk will be on store shelves or will be sold in pharmacies. AND disdain here, according to scientists, there is nothing. Such insects will bred on special farms where they will be protected from dirt and infections, and therefore this product will be absolutely safe for use. In the end, once we considered poison and tomatoes with potatoes until they determined how to eat them. And what neglect in due time caused in the Western world, the use of fish caviar by the Slavs? Yes, and buckwheat there up to the twentieth century was considered the food of barbarians …
By the way, do not think that all other cockroaches, for example, our Prussians who do not secrete milk are no good. Of them, as scientists predict, you’ll get a wonderful “meat of the future”, moreover, this product will not only be delicious and fantastic cheaper, but also more useful (completely harmless), in contrast from current meat products.