Philippines enacted law: Pupils and students must be planted 10 trees before release

The Philippines passed a law: Pupils and students must plant 10 trees before graduationA photo from open sources

In just fifteen years, at the turn of the millennium, the Philippines lost 32.3 percent its forest cover. Illegal logging at all times were a big problem for the country however now the chamber Congressional representatives seem to have found a way to solve it. Them called to become a bill that requires students primary and secondary schools, as well as students planted before graduation 10 trees each.

Congressmen Gary Alejano and Strike Revilla (Strike Revilla) introduced a bill to the House of Representatives under number 8728, “The final legacy for the environment.” Now the document will be submitted to the Senate for approval.

In a statement to the media, Gary Alekhano said: “This initiative, reasonable and promising, if it will be correctly implemented, will provide a landing of almost two hundred million trees a year. In one generation we can plant tens of billions of seedlings, if we take today responsibility for the future. ”

How to easily grow forests

Philippines has seen some increase since 2015 forest areas. This is due to government initiatives and strict enforcement of the law to combat widespread illegal logging widespread in the country.

According to the UN Global Forest Resources Assessment, only in 2012, the Philippines planted 221763 hectares the woods.

A photo from open sources

The new bill requires all students to primary, secondary and higher schools were imprisoned before graduation from at least 10 trees. It is not yet clear whether this means that current graduates should plant 30 trees (20 – so say retroactively) or only 10.

CNN Philippines explains that for the establishment of nurseries, production seedlings and preparation of sites for planting will meet a number government agencies.

Solving a problem in the country and an example for the whole world

This is not the first time that the Philippine government has put forward the idea of ​​”nationwide” landscaping of the country. In 2012, the Senate was already a mandatory bill has been introduced trees, however, he did not concern students, but various public organizations and commercial companies.

A photo from open sources

Of course, state regulation of afforestation is great, but do not forget how important it is to protect already planted. The fact is that old forests are of particular value with point of view of biodiversity and ecological function. In particular they are able to process significantly more carbon than young forest plantations.

So, the Philippines is actively engaged in restoration and conservation their green wealth and thereby set an excellent example for everyone. Is it not time for us to think about our green house, in which we we live, breathe and which we will pass on to the following to generations? ..

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