Physicist who has become a parapsychologist

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Once upon a time there lived an English chemist and physicist who didn’t only saw ghosts – he studied them. William Crookes did a lot scientific discoveries. In the last years of his life, he became interested spiritualism, entered the Theosophical Society and called himself parapsychologist. The scientist was engaged in mysticism, excluding all mysticism, which confirmed the existence of the other world. William Crookes (William Crookes) was the eldest son in the family wealthy tailor Joseph Crookes and his second wife Mary Scott (Mary Scott). William Crookes was born in London on June 17, 1832. IN the capital of Great Britain, he died after 86 years. In the interim between these two dates Crookes discovered thallium, the first to receive helium in laboratory conditions, worked on spectral analysis, on electricity passing through tubes (Crookes tubes – Crookes tube) with rarefied gas, in the chemistry of rare metals and developed methods for proving radioactive radiation.

In 1859, he founded the Chemical News publication, being his editor, he for many years covered the news of chemistry. IN 1880, the French Academy of Sciences awarded him a Gold Medal and Award of 3,000 francs in recognition of the importance of his work. British Queen Victoria granted Professor Crookes the title in 1897, after which he began to be called sir. In 1904 Crookes invented the spintariscope, a device for detecting alpha particles. In 1910 he received the Order of Merit – Order of Merit. Here far from complete list of merits and achievements of Sir William Crookes. This outstanding scientist, who gained wide fame in the scientific the world with his work in chemistry and physics, seriously carried away the study of mystical phenomena. Well, if in mysticism pleased the man with the soul of the poet, and not the learned cracker. “Getting started research into psychic phenomena, ”wrote Arthur Conan-Doyle. – Crookes, as he himself admitted, suspected that all this could turn out to be a swindle. His fellow scientists shared this opinion and were glad about the direction that his train of thought took. They were especially pleased that the research extremely skilled person. Few doubted that the groundlessness of the claims of spiritualism will soon be clearly demonstrated. “In the form in which these Crookes described the experiments; they were distinguished by a rigorous scientific approach. He himself created and used recording measuring instruments. Behind Crookes’ experiments carried out in his study closely observed by many reputable scientists. Therefore his experiences no one I ventured to call it a deception by the medium.

A photo from open sources

Professor Crookes claimed to have watched appearances with his own eyes. ghostly and tangible figures, the phenomena of levitation, heard mysterious voices, measured the medium’s loss of weight during the release of ectoplasm, recorded the appearance of inscriptions on slate boards without participation present. According to Conan Doyle, “fury opponents and the excessive modesty of supporters were very worried scientist and jeopardized his scientific authority. Not recognizing his defeat, however, he tried to avoid discussing this question. “Subsequently, Crookes, making sure his authority in the scientific world is unshakable, openly recognized himself as a spiritualist and parapsychologist. In Crookes’s diary, dated December 31, 1870 it is written: “Against my own will, I return to events a year ago. Nelly (Crookes wife Ellen Humphrey) – Ed.) And I then talked with our late friends, and when midnight struck, friends wished us a happy New Year. I I feel they are still looking at me, and since the distance for they are not a barrier, then I am sure they are looking at Nellie. Both of us we know: among these spirits there is one whom we all – spirits and mortals – we honor both the Father and the Lord. I offer my humble prayer to him – great and good, so that he would not leave without his mercy defending Nelly, me and our little family (the Crooks grew three sons and daughter – ed.). May he also allow us to continue spiritualistic communication with my brother, who moved to another world more three years ago, while sailing on a ship. And when the years are up given to us for earthly life, may we gain even more happiness in the land of spirits, the shapes of which I sometimes observe. ” Once in response to the claim that spiritualism failed defeat materialistic science, Crookes said: “It seems to me that managed. At least a lot of people have come to believe in otherworldly existence. ”

Life time

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