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100 years after scientists voiced the opportunity tying water into knots, physicists came up with and implemented a similar an experiment in the laboratory. Of particular note is the way by which researchers were able to determine what actually occurs in liquid. For the first time about connected “ring vortices” in 1860s, Lord Kelvin spoke. He suggested that atoms are peculiar tornadoes twisted into closed loop and tied around ourselves. Kelvin’s view of everything space was permeated by a certain liquid – ether. Every atom in it was a kind of knot. However, the “periodic table Kelvin’s chemical elements has not been published anywhere and as investigation recognized. But the Lord’s ideas flourished mathematical knot theory, which is part of the topology. Later scientists have concluded that nodes are of great importance in some physical processes. Of course, create a knot out of the water, to put it mildly, not as simple as from a shoe lace, University of Chicago Physics Dustin Kleckner and William Irvine If only because such nodes are not have a beginning and end like a lace. The simplest examples of such structures: trefoil knot and Hopf link (Hopf link). In order to to tie a water stream into a similar knot, it is necessary to twist it into a specific area of fluid. Kleckner and Irwin created similar structures in water using 3D-printed models nodes that were in the shape of a wing of an airplane or underwater wings. Many people know that the wing of an airplane makes flows air in the atmosphere rotate, swirl in the form of vortices. Due to the processes occurring in this process, the force that makes an airplane soar into the sky. When is the wing begins to stop abruptly, two vortices are formed, which untwist in opposite directions. American researchers put their plastic knot models in a water tank and gave them sudden acceleration to create a knotted structure. But how to verify that in reality physicists got exactly what did you want To display nodes in the water helped a special method of visualization. Usually, to understand how flows in liquids move, scientists use coloring matter. Irwin and Kleckner introduced into the system small gas bubbles that were directed toward the center of the knotted vortex by buoyant forces produced by the movement of plastic blanks. High-speed laser scanner that took pictures liquid 76 thousand times per second, helped scientists understand how they moved bubbles. Having reconstructed what was happening, physicists saw nodes as well. IN further scientists want to try to create more complex water structure. “The authors of the work have achieved great success by visualizing the knotted whirlwinds “, – comments achievement Americans physicist Mark Dennis (Mark Dennis) of University of Bristol, which at one time was able to get stuck in a whirlwind light rays. The latest study, in his opinion, does abstract reasoning about physical processes involving nodes in ideas that can be tested in the laboratory. “Vortex flows tied into knots – an ideal model system, allowing us to study in detail the independent untangling nodes in real physical processes, “says Irwin. We add that in this case it is not so much about more fall ropes, spaghetti and pouring honey or ponytail hair movement. It’s about more complex processes. Bound vortices are present in different areas physics. So scientists studying elementary particles suggested that glueballs are hypothetical agglomerates of gluons – particles binding quarks for the formation of photons and neutrons, – are tightly tied quantum fields. Moreover, recently astronomers have shown that they are relaxing (“untying”) related magnetic fields that may be responsible for heat transfer into the solar corona or the outer atmosphere of the sun. This process explains why the plasma in this area of the star is much hotter than on the surface. The development of physicists from Chicago will also help to understand superconductivity, fluid superfluidity, and liquid behavior crystals