Planet Earth is a living organism.

Planet Earth is a living organismPhotos from open sources of

Our ancestors considered the Earth alive, calling it Mother Earth-Cheese, Mother Earth. Deified her. The thought that the planet may be alive organism, science fiction writers promoted in their works (“When the Earth cried out” – A. Conan Doyle). In the 20th century it seemed insane theory out of the category of fantastic and gained status scientific.

Gay Theory by Professor James Lovelock

In the 60s of the last century, the British scientist James Lovelock, studying our planet, came to paradoxical results. The ecological system of the Earth cannot be stable. In her chemical reactions constantly occur, which means temperature, the thickness of the ozone layer, the salt level in the oceans cannot be constant values.

A photo from open sources

That the Earth’s ecological system is self-regulating, we known from school. But few people think that self-regulation is primarily a property of living organisms. When we are cold, chills us – this body raises the temperature body. In hot weather, we sweat – sweat covering our body save the body from overheating.

In minutes of physical activity, the volume of air that is pumped our lungs, increases dramatically, the heart beats more often, distilling along blood vessels have more blood. Whatever our the composition of the blood in a person is constant and the slightest deviation is a concern for doctors.

All this seems normal to us, natural. Our body reacts to external and internal influences and fights for life. AND even a rise in temperature above 36.6 is nothing but evidence that the body has entered the fight against the disease.

And only when it comes to the Earth system, millions of years across incomprehensible reasons being in equilibrium, we are talking strictly about physical laws. It was necessary to take only one step to recognize the Earth as a living organism and this step has been taken. His hypothesis James Lovelock called “Theory of Gays.”

A photo from open sources


In the USSR they knew about Lovelock’s theory, but no one officially supported it did not dare. However, research often produced results, which very much went into the Gaia Theory. In the 80s expedition under the guidance of the geologist Yanitsky recorded a rhythmic the release of deep gases from faults in the earth’s crust. During the day the volume increased and fell several times. No one said out loud that the earth “breathes”, but many have thought about it.

Another geologist Makarov in the same 80s also recorded in fault areas similar rhythmic fluctuations in tension magnetic field.

According to a professor at the Institute of Earthly Magnetism Lugovenko Earth thus pumps through its “lungs” necessary for of its existence cosmic energy.

English scientists Curry and Hartman found that on Earth such there are many points and they are scattered on the surface of the planet not as horrible, but in a certain order. The map they compiled received the name of the “Hartman network.” Through the cells of this network, the Earth emits and receives electromagnetic impulses (communicates with other living planets? !!!). It turns out that the earth is not only living, but also reasonable?

Professor Kuznetsov believes that our planet is not only intelligent, but also has an energy information field. Lucky in force unknown reasons for gaining access to this “data bank”, become geniuses, often ahead of their time.

Earth and people

Earth undoubtedly knows about the existence of people. However it does does not mean that her attitude towards us is benevolent. Rather she us suffers.

We know about the existence of numerous microorganisms, animals, insects, not always needed by us plants, and nothing. But when these representatives of flora and fauna they begin to “get” really, a man declares war on them. Purpose “fighting” is often not the destruction of the “enemy” until the last representative, but only the cleaning of certain territories (garden, city) or population limit too prolific weeds and cockroaches.

So the Earth, when the number of people exceeds reasonable limits or a person becomes a source of concern, includes protective mechanisms. Pestilence, natural disasters are means “warnings” and “preventive disinfection”. Earlier in the arsenal Earth was also a war. But after a man came up with an atomic bomb, from the war as a means of “admonition and purification” had refuse. Therefore, deadly viruses were used.

The earth still suffers us

In blind pride, a person calls himself the king of nature. And he is all only a guest on earth. And humanity is alive only as long as Earth endures him. What will happen if suddenly our planet considers that have people turned into parasites that pose a danger to her?

There are theories that human civilization is not the first on Earth, and the fifth or even the sixth. Apparently, the planet has not once spent “total disinfection.” If he sees fit, hold another.

Posted by: Klim Podkova


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