A photo from open sources
In the world, it was believed that polygraphs, which are also called lie detectors, not reliable, in their work a lot depends not even on perfection of the device itself, as many experts prove, and from the operator serving the polygraph, that is, from him professional abilities, experience and even natural talent psychologist. But, as a rule, such people easily determine whether they are lying man or not, without any technique …
That’s why polygraphs were never taken into account in court cases, although they are still widely used, for example, in the selection personnel to especially important state structures – the CIA, the KGB and so on Further. This is understandable, since the greatest psychologists who know how distinguish between falsehood and truth, in the world of unity, and structures where necessary to check a person for honesty is the sea.
And therefore, inventors of all stripes did not leave hope to come up with new, more advanced lie detector. And so it seems startup company “Converus” managed to do this. At least, advertising channels today trumpet with might and main about a unique system “EyeDetect” created by this startup. It is reported that “EyeDetect” uses an AI system that is trained to detect signs of lies on based on the analysis of even the smallest changes in the size of the pupils of the subjects, eye reactions to questions.
The company declares that the reliability of their system is at least 86 percent plus it is significantly cheaper than a polygraph. Probably succumbing to such assurances, EyeDetect Already Used by Major American Companies when selecting frames. The media flashed information that the contract with Converus startup service provider in Guatemala, Paraguay and so further concluded even the US Department of State. Customs officers, military The United States is also allegedly experiencing today this unique technology essential in such state structures.
But that’s what the professor of psychology says about EyeDetect University of Minnesota William Yakono:
I believe Converus is more professional not in the creation of a lie detector, but in its promotion. It surprises me that quite respectable customers pay large fees for this dubious service money and really use it on living people, making on the basis of this some conclusions on which the fate of these subjects. It’s just awful! We checked the performance “EyeDetect”, it does not exceed 50 percent, that is, any person can work with the same efficiency without any device, and a good psychologist will give EyeDetect a hundred points ahead. Speech in this the case is not about innovative machine testing, but rather about fashion trends from the field of artificial intelligence with the goal of market dubious technology.
Note that the leading scientists of the world working in the development and AI improvement, so far there is no certainty that in the near future you can create an effective lie detector based on artificial intelligence, if at all possible with modern scientific approaches. That’s why a good psychologist still costs hundreds polygraphs, if I may say so and compare. And more correct will say this: without a good operator – an experienced psychologist neither one lie detector is not worth a damn egg …
Artificial Intelligence