Writes by Anastasia Valerievna Dyachenko, Donetsk: “This My father Valery Ivanovich Dyachenko told me the incident. In 1979 In the year he served in Gremikha, on the Kola Peninsula. For service not complained. They fed excellently. True, even in the summer in the galley was dry potatoes. But they, the soldiers, were not discouraged: they diversified their diet of mushrooms. Free from shift, walking along the tundra, for the sake of pleasures and saturation, collected boletus and boletus. AND somehow one day (although it may have been night, because in summer there day and night) the father and his colleagues went through several kilometers, and they did not come across a single normal mushroom. Amanita (they, by the way, are huge there) and russula met which no one considered mushrooms. Suddenly a hundred meters father noticed a strange structure. What is it? Hut? Or maybe a bunker? Father decided to go there. – Do you want to drop in, – answered gloomily comrades tired and angry at the unsuccessful walk. – Catch up with later. We went home. Father went to the facility. It was unknown. by whom and for what a structure built of local stone and a half meters tall, without a roof. Fifteen meters in diameter. Approaching the object, the father saw that a yellow glow was coming from him. is he carefully entered the building and was amazed – the sea turned inside mushrooms! He cut a few closest, as much as fit into bag, and then climbed on a stone to call comrades, and I was amazed. The tundra around was uninhabited! A photo from open sources Father in a hurry jumped out of the yellow zone glow and breathed a sigh of relief: away as if nothing had happened his colleagues. For the sake of interest, the father returned to the object. Looked around – nobody around, empty tundra! Came out – again comrades appeared. Then the father caught up with friends, showed them mushrooms and convinced them to return. However, when they approached the object, there was no yellow glow and not a single mushroom. No one would believe his story if It’s not a complete bag of mushrooms. Many years later. Father told this the story of a friend who was interested in paranormal phenomena. “Looks like you’ve been in a different dimension.” And on time jumped out of there, he said. – If the portal slammed, you would stay there forever! “Screen on the wall Tells V.V. Gorbunova, n. Novosergievka, Orenburg Region: “In my childhood, I observed one very interesting phenomenon. Now I’m 56 years old, a lot of time has passed, but everything is in my memory preserved as clearly as in a video. I was then nine to ten, no more. We lived in a village in the steppe of Orenburg. It was winter. My girlfriend and I rolled on a sled, froze, and that called me to her grandmother to warm up. Grandma fed us, and then told me to go to bed, although it was a day. She laid me next to yourself on the stove. Grandma just lay down – she fell asleep right away. I don’t sleep wanted: lay for a long time, examining the ceiling and walls. And then started…
Photos from open sources I noticed that a section of the bleached wall (about twenty centimeters) became as if glow from the inside. Now I would compare it to the TV screen, however, at that time we still didn’t see TVs, and the radio was a rarity. On this strange “screen” I saw some other world. A tree lined avenue. They stood along the track (or even hung, like a swing) wide benches, decorated with carvings with patterns. All around it was snow-white. Then people took to the path. I have them awful I was afraid, so I wanted to hide, that I was ready under the sleeping the old woman to climb. Fear paralyzed me, even the language was numb. People walked in pairs – men and women. Clothes on them too was white, all kind of lacy, airy. “Screen” showed without sound, but I saw people talking among themselves. The most surprisingly, I felt that they were seeing me! Sometimes they watched on me: they look in my direction, and then they discuss something among themselves and laugh. Gradually, my fear passed away like their fun passed on to me. The atmosphere on the wall was very friendly, from there it blew something good. I even felt somehow joyfully at heart, the mood rose. During this unusual I looked away from the wall several times, tried to look on the dark painted floor. However, curiosity prevailed, and I again cast a glance at the wall. “Window to another world” did not disappear. And then grandmother suddenly woke up, and the wall instantly went out. I her touched, even picked it – nothing, the wall is like a wall. And here is what interestingly, for some reason I had no desire for anyone talk about this amazing phenomenon. I kept it for a long time memory, she herself remembered, but not a word to anyone! I first told about what he saw only on the day of his majority, than struck my loved ones. “By the way, many researchers abnormal phenomena believe that you can get into parallel worlds, having reached a certain state through meditation, psychological and spiritual practices, as well as taking some substances affecting the psyche. American writer and mystic Carlos Castaneda called this altered state of man “a shift assembly points. “Experts in the unknown also note that sometimes similar conditions occur spontaneously in ordinary people.
Time Mushrooms Stones Portals