Predatory worms can lead to biological disaster in Europe

Predatory worms can lead to biological disaster in EuropeA photo from open sources

Giant predator worms found in tropical Asia somehow fantastically got to Europe, and now they threaten the biological catastrophe of France.

However, according to professor of zoology, Jean-Loup Justine in an interview with Independent, this problem will soon It will be for the whole of Europe, if you do not start to fight this evil. A how to fight while no one knows. Yes, and no one is particularly worried doesn’t hit.

More truly, the alarm began to sound since 2013 amateur naturalist Pierre Gros, who first realized what threatens this creepy worm that got to France. Then it was like said, still only the beginning of the problem, however tireless nature researcher began sending out pictures of predatory worms warning scientists what it is and how it may respond to biological life of the country. But no one received these signals seriously.

Jean-Lou Justine himself, having received such a message, counted it draw, and only when Pierre Gros contacted the professor, showed to him firsthand, the scientist grabbed his head.

A photo from open sources

The fact is that this predator eats earthworms. And if earthworms feed on waste: fallen leaves, rotting fruits and vegetables, animal and bird waste, turning it all into useful humus, besides they loosen the soil, promoting it humidification, aeration and mixing, the predator doesn’t does – he just eats useful raincoats.

And if in tropical Asia this “monster” has can reach a meter long, there are natural enemies, then in Europe, and in particular in France, they are not, but because he is calm multiplies, gradually gaining space for itself. That’s all decaying waste is now not recycled, for example, you you can imagine rotting leaves for years, or even for decades …

The studies then conducted by Professor Jean-Lou Justine, made him convinced that this is not a temporary phenomenon, as happens with tropical insects and worms that accidentally enter Europe and dying here because of adverse conditions for them. Predator worm found easy prey in Europe – raincoat, and northern frosts (his only “enemy”) he easily experiences in hibernation, burrowing deep into the soil. And this monster settled in new conditions, according to the scientist, apparently for a long time. Rather all – forever. And this is a biological disaster for Europe …

The video below shows us how a predator worm is easy cracking down on earthworms, which in France will soon not will remain completely. And then what? ..

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