Print on a volume printer estate

A real estate will be printed on a volume printerPhoto from open sources

You can hardly surprise a modern person with houses and even whole mansions whose elements are printed on 3D printers and then assembled together. Adam Kushner is a famous architect from United States – decided to go further. Specialist started work over the creation of an entire estate to be printed by bulk printer and located in a sleeping area in the north of the state New York.

The land will have a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, garage for cars and much more. The total area of ​​the estate will be about two hundred thirty square meters. Of course that Adam Kushner will not work alone. His main partner will be Enrico Dini – the head of the company “D-Shape” and one of founders of 3D printing. Currently, the authors of the project engaged in surveying the site, and in a few months they will begin land works.

A photo from open sources

It is assumed that the print of the jacuzzi and swimming pool will be completed this year, but the creation of a residential building drag on until the end of 2017. Project success and speed of implementation his life will largely depend on the huge Italian 3D printer, queues to use which Kouchner and Dini are now just expect. Currently a giant printer used at home in some kind of military project. When the printer to get free, he is immediately transported to America.

The print media will be a mixture of gravel, sand, magnesium, dust and a special astringent. According to Adam’s 3D printing opens to modern architects amazing opportunities. In addition, it is able to solve the problem. housing shortages, relevant in many countries of the planet.

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