Project of the city of the future in Yakutia

A photo from open sources

For a long time, the appearance of the city ceased to be a spontaneous process. Big and small cities are now “founding” and “laying.” But before putting a point on the map, a lot of questions from “how will the city be supplied with drinking water” to “where to put garbage and fecal mass. “One of the most important – how to create residents comfortable living conditions in areas with severe climatic conditions. Employees of the architectural bureau “Alice” designing a city in Yakutia, they proposed an original solution.

Kimberlite pipe “Peace”

A photo from open sources

In 1954, the first diamond deposit was discovered in Yakutia, the so-called kimberlite pipe. The following year, more were discovered. 10. In June of that momentous 1955 in the management of Amakinskaya exploration expedition came a telegram from the party, who worked on the river Irelyakh: lit the pipe of the world point So geologists reported the discovery of a new field.

Near the tube, which received the name of a light hand of geologists Mir village appeared Mirny, which later became the city and center Soviet diamond mining industry.

Over 44 years of open-pit mining near the city, giant quarry with a diameter of 1.2 km and a depth of 525 m. Inside this career and designers offer to build the future eco-city.

Eco-city 2020

A photo from open sources

According to the project, the city will consist of three levels. On each In addition to the residential area, a forest park recreation area has been designed. A population of more than 100,000 is planned. Eco-city will be covered translucent dome that protects residents from adverse the impact of the harsh climate characteristic of Eastern Siberia. The city will be provided with energy by solar panels placed on giant glass roof.

The government of Yakutia became interested in the project. Although the quarry “Mir” is closed, industrial diamond mining is not stopped at all. FROM 1999, underground mining is carried out, and the question of the fate of Mirny in the next 35-40 years no one going to even discuss: only explored diamond reserves in the handset will last for several more decades. So the population cities are planned not to be reduced in the coming years, but increase.

The first in a series of many

Planned eco-city can be not only a solution to problems Peaceful, but also a model for the whole republic. In Yakutia dozens of fields are being developed and the Mir pipe is not the most big one. The Udachny quarry has a diameter of 2.0 km and 640 m in depth. Built in quarries of the city will not only attract tourists, but will become a center of attraction for workers and specialists in Eastern Siberia.

Still a long cold winter and sudden temperature changes are factors that impede the formation of a permanent local population in Yakutia. It’s no secret that most workers quarries consider their stay in the republic as temporary and in the future they plan to move to areas with a milder climate.

In the city created under the dome, it is possible to create a microclimate with conditions close to ideal. And then move to permanent residence in Eastern Siberia in one of the eco-cities will be a cherished dream many Europeans.

Climate Siberia Yakutia

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