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Death is not the final end of life, but rather just a transition to another parallel world, where it does not exist. IN USA theoretical physicist Robert Lanza of Wake Forest University in North Carolina Proves Life After Death with quantum physics, TSN reports. The scientist claims that the concept of death exists only because since ancient Greece humanity has adopted the biocentric theory that life creates the world, and not vice versa. According to Lantsa, since then people used to think linearly and “call the sky blue, because it’s that’s how they see him. “” But in fact, in the human brain there is receptors that can be affected and the sky will appear green or red. We are used to perceiving life as a mixture of carbonates and molecules. But this is only dictated by our consciousness. In fact, everything may be absolutely wrong, “says the scientist. Lance refers to theories of the existence of parallel universes in which events occur synchronously, but in different ways. The scientist claims that death is not the final end of life, but rather transition to another parallel world where it is not. As evidence of his hypothesis Lanza turned to quantum physics and Jung’s interference experiment, which proves that light – This is a wave and allows you to measure its length. During the experiment light from one source travels simultaneously through two openings in an obstacle. When passing through holes, one wave is divided into two, after which they overlap behind the obstacle, making a section the lights are brighter. And where the waves do not overlap – more dull. According to the scientist, as in the experiment with light, it’s life can create the universe, and not vice versa, and passing through death, continue to exist.
Time Universe Life Parallel Worlds