Photo from open sources
Progressive researchers claim that approximately mid-January of this year, an explosion occurred in Europe (or similar incident) as a result of which in the “northern” countries a sharply increased background of radioactive iodine-131 was recorded. Wherein information about this somehow was not leaked to the media, which is very even strange.
Norwegian scientists were the first to sound the alarm, but they also announced this only when traces of radiation have reached France, and This fact was reflected in the report of the French Institute. IRSN
The seriousness of this incident is even indicated by the fact that the only nuclear anomaly laboratory laboratory infections and explosions (Boeing WC-135 Constant Phoenix from the USA) the other day flew to the UK.
A photo from open sources
And even the current president of the United States of America, Donald Trump said that in Sweden there was a serious attack. And although no one attached particular importance to his words, and journalists even ridiculed them, smoke, as they say, without fire. Especially “this smoke” is already more than noticeable in Europe. Just certain to the forces (and powerful forces, apparently) for some reason very I want to hide this nuclear incident from the general public. The question is why! ..