Rain of strange metal fibers. Who saturates the atmosphere with metal?

Rain from strange metal fibers. Who saturates the atmosphere with metal?A photo from open sources

What doesn’t fall on us from heaven, starting with fish, frogs and ending with coins. To this “rain diversity” recently mysterious metal fibers began to mix in.

As bloggers recall, similar web-like threads fell, for example, in 2013 in France, and in 2015 in Arizona and West Texas. And now the people of Washington have witnessed such a strange “rain”. However, as wakingtimes.com writes, this far from an isolated case for this state, as residents he has been complaining about such gifts from heaven for several years.

A photo from open sources

So, rain from strange fibers that are under the microscope turned out to be a combination of plastic and metal thin threads, possessing static electricity, has long been surprising and scary inhabitants of the Earth, however, the scientific world has “lurked” and pretends that Nothing happens. Moreover, as practice shows, from this burning topics denied any major media – like the plague some kind. Why? And this despite the fact that such “precipitation” is clearly not benefit people, rather, on the contrary, undermine their health, since these thin threads fall into the lungs and, you know, begin their destructive activity in the human body.

Conspirologists say a few options where these metal-plastic fibers come from in the sky:

  • with the help of such threads, the military metallizes atmosphere, for example, to expose it to such devices, like HAARP;
  • screens are being created for NASA satellite projects under code the name “Blue Beam”, thanks to which the population of the planet can be demonstrate the “alien landing” or “second coming” – almost in all seriousness;
  • our Earth is flat, and therefore the threads fall not from the sky, but from artificial dome surrounding earthlings.

It is possible that there are still some explanations, but nothing from all this it cannot be considered a reliable fact – some assumptions of which the theory of a flat earth seems the most fantastic. In any case, throw such “rains” on the whirlwinds and hurricanes don’t work out very well. This is not fish and frogs, because it’s not clear where metal-plated threads come from in the atmosphere, why fly around the planet and not the first year. But the main – Why are scientists silent about this and the leading media of the world keep quiet? Something suspiciously …

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