A photo from open sources
If you have not watched the movie “Glass of Water” with wonderful actors Kirill Lavrov and Natalia Belokhvostikova, without fail look: now it’s not at all difficult to do – everyone has the house has the Internet for these purposes.
And the whole point of this film is that sometimes a glass of plain water can do a real miracle. Most interestingly, to this conclusion came modern scientists from East University of London, who are interested in this issue and, having carried out a number of experiments, concluded: a glass of pure water helps in solving almost any difficult task.
The essence of this experiment was as follows. Before the subjects were challenged, but some of them it was allowed before that to drink a glass of clean water. As shown an experiment, after taking water, any, even the most difficult questions, resolved much faster and more successfully.
UK scientists conclude that a glass of clean water somehow improves mental activity and increases brain performance. Why does this happen researchers do not know yet. However, if you want to solve this secret, watch the film “Glass of Water”, especially since it’s made, as you guessed, probably on the “English material”, even wonderful Russian actors play in it.