Photo from open sources
Scientists from the University of Colorado recorded a new record incredibly low temperature. Researchers remotely found peculiar spots in eastern Antarctica, frost in which reaches minus 98 degrees Celsius.
According to the Americans, it’s so cold that man easily receive irreversible frostbite of the respiratory tract, if will stay there just a few minutes. Previous record minus 89 degrees, was obtained in the same Antarctica in 1983, however, NASA’s high-tech satellites are now available on the south polar continent has even colder regions.
But what are these spots? According to American experts, speech it is about various hollows, cracks and other deepenings in ice a shield where heavy icy air settles in the absence of wind and moisture and stands below for many days, cooling even more.
To finally confirm their data, American climatologists intend to equip land in eastern Antarctica an expedition, which will be entrusted with the study of all these deepening True, researchers will first have to develop technology heating breathing air, because, as mentioned above, such low temperatures are fatal to humans.
Antarctica Fancy Records Records