Replacing Ineffective Antibiotics

Replacing ineffective antibioticsA photo Israeli scientists have discovered viruses from open sources much more effective than modern antibiotics, while they do not inflict such harm on the human body.

The most surprising thing is that these viruses are bacteriophages EFDG1 in wastewater. This does not prevent them from successfully fighting many infections, including the most serious consequences dental procedures.

It is worth saying that bacteriophages were discovered long ago, however after the invention of antibiotics, preference was given to them, as drugs with a quick healing effect. Then medical scientists had no idea about the negative effect of antibiotics, which practically negates all their effectiveness.

Bacteriophages EFDG1, according to Israeli researchers, able to successfully resist infections in the digestive tract. Note that such bacteria have a protective film, which is why even the strongest antibiotics cannot cope with them. But not bacteriophages.

Scientists say the bacteriophage EFDG1 they discovered will help in the fight against the most serious infections of the twenty-first century.


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